💘Chapter 4🍫

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I stare up at the ceiling of Hoseok's room, in the nude while my roommate lays next to me in the same state, the redhead regaining his breath while I run my fingers through my hair. We do this when we're stressed—fuck and talk. It's cheaper than therapy and with a teacher's paycheck, it's nice to cut costs where we can.

"Hobi, I can't believe you applied to a job in America without telling anyone." I chuckle, running my hands down my face.

He groans. "Don't remind me. And I got a notification about it when Yoongi confronted me and he looked so broken up about it, so disappointed."

"Was he mad at you?" I ask.

"No. The whole ordeal was him blaming himself, wondering what he's been doing to make me like this. And the worst part was that when I checked the notification, it wasn't even me being accepted or anything. It was a confirmation that they received my application."

I chew on my bottom lip. "If you get the position, will you take it? Will you just leave?"

"Jimin, I don't know. My life is a mess and it needs a factory reset. This could be that do-over."

"Being away from them won't necessarily make you happier, Hobi. Running away doesn't always solve issues. Sometimes you need to power through and confront them."

Hoseok scrunches his nose up. "Enough about me. What about you, hmm? Still hung up over Jungkook?"

"Stooooooop. He was so pretty." I whine. "Like, how is he real? He was just so cute. He even seemed to be jealous of you. His big, puppy dog eyes are to die for and when he smiles—genuinely smiles—he looks like a bunny. I just wanted to take him home with me," I rave.

"Looks like someone is whipped."

"I'm not whipped. I just want him." I scoff. "I've been romantically deprived for so long. I just wanted him to ask me out so bad. But he didn't! Did I read him wrong? He did seem hesitant around me. Maybe he's never liked a guy before. Maybe he's straight. Why am I only attracted to straight guys? It isn't fair. Dating girls is so much easier, but I just wanted him. He looked like he wanted to dominate me and it was so exciting. He's a cutie pie and a daddy wrapped in one beautiful package named Jungkook."

"'I'm not whipped.' Yeah, okay." Hoseok rolls his eyes. "And I'm not in love with Yoongi and Tae. Jimin, you sound like the protagonist of a K-drama. If you're so attracted to him and if he was so perfect, you should have asked the confused guy out yourself. Shoulda used The Jimin Effect to your advantage."

He makes me laugh. "Jimin Effect? What the hell is that?"

"No, no, no, you got it all wrong. The Jimin Effect with a capital 'T.' It's this magical force that you have that makes everyone who sees you find you completely gorgeous, regardless of their sexuality. The Jimin Effect makes straight guys think they're gay, lesbians pause, and everyone else just take in their beauty. To some, you are someone they want to fuck. To some, you are someone they want to be romantically involved with. To some, you are simply a work of art that they can admire. To most, you are all three."

I blink. "Hobi, what the fuck?"


"That's so weird."

"It's how it is."

"Whatever. Anyway, you're a hypocrite. Don't tell me to make the first move when you yourself are victim to never speaking up for your desires." I flick him.

"Do as I say, not as I do." He shrugs. "I can admit that I'm a mess and that me never communicating is the root of all my problems. But it's hard to speak up when there is a chance that you'll get rejected by not one, but two people and I work with them and don't know how to live without them."

Sighing, I hold his hand. "We're hot messes, Hobi."

"The hottest."

Author's Note: Jihope is cute. Oh my gosh, they were roommates. Please vote "+1" on what you want. The highest ranked one when I work on the next chapter will win.

Should Hobi confess to Taegi or should they find out on their own?


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Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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