Side Story-V

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(A few distance away from where the battle took place)

Jiraya, Tsunade Erza and Shizune, along with Ma and Pa appeared in a puff of smoke, all of them panting due to the battle and after sometime pa spoke up.

"Is everyone okay?" Pa asks

"I think we are going to be fine for a moment." Jiraiya said not finding and any immediate danger in the area. "But we need to get out of here before that thing." Jiraya grimaced as he talked about Zeref. "Whatever that is find us again." He said and turned to look at Shizune. "Where is the little girl?"

"She is in a safe house a few minutes away from where we are." Shizune answered.

"None of us are safe if whatever that is anywhere around us." Jiraya said to her. "We will get her and then leave this place via reverse summon, we need to be quick before he finds us." He then turned towards Erza as Shizune vanished from the sight heading towards where she left Karin at. "Than you are going to tell me who or whatever the hell that thing is?" He told her.

"And what is he?" Tsunade asks.

"I don't know." Jiraya told her. "But while I was in my sage mode, I felt a something very dark, evil and dangerous, like death itself was standing there." He gave a brief pause as Shizune left to get Karin. "For a moment I thought we all would be dead in an instant."

"That would be correct, Jiraiya." Ma spoke up next. "What we saw when we entered sage mode was something that reeked and felt of death, and only death, as if it was the death god itself."

"You wouldn't be wrong if you thought that." Erza said as she took a breath and leaned on a tree beside her. "None have came close to see any of his abilities except a few as most of them would die in his presence alone, I was among the few who knew of what he could do and even that is limited because I was unable to make him go all out."

"And how and why did you come to know about that?" Tsunade asks.

"He was the boss of my mother." Erza told the two. "Who was a bad guy. And brother of my friend and partner, who is a good guy." 'Also what did he mean by 'it's been three hundred years.' Erza thought remembering what Zeref had spoken. 'Don't tell me!' She paused for a brief moment alarmed. 'We traveled through both dimensions and time!' She tried to think what exactly has happened. 'So even if I try to find Natsu,  it could be a possibility that he could either be in the past or future, but how, if Natsu was sent to the past, then he would've met Zeref one way or another, so there is a chance that he and Happy would be in same time as me, but what of they are not, I need to find out more!' She began to run her head at the thought process. 'Damn its annoying!'

"So you are also immortal?" Jiraiya asks while Erza was pondering the words.

"Huh, wha?" Erza began as she heard what the sanin has asked. "No, while my mother was and he too is, I am not!"  She told him.

"But I clearly heard him say that you are over three hundred years old and your mom's immortal too?!" Jiraiya shot back and Erza flinched.

'Damn!' She thought as she tried to think of a way to explain her situation. 'Can't exactly tell him I am from another world what should I, wait--' "Its actually because of a seal." She quickly lied.

"A seal?" Jiraiya, Tsunade, Ma and Pa asks at the same time.

"We've other things to discuss, first we need to get away from here, before he finds us first and this time we might not be so lucky!" Erza told them

"She is right while we are here we are in danger, we need to get out of here quickly!" Pa spoke up

"I am with you on that!" Tsunade began. "I don't know who you are but I don't want to face that ever again!"

"And who are you?" Erza asks.

"I am Tsunade." Tsunade began as she pointed at Jiraiya. "This idiot's teammate and friend, and you are an Uzumaki right?"

"Yes, Erza Scarlett-Uzumaki." Erza answered her. "Thank you for helping u----" "Stop it!" All five of them turned towards the direction where the voice came from, two of them recognizing as the voice of Karin. Erza fearing the worst quickly ran in the direction but stopped as the said girl came running out of the bushes with Shizune hot on her heels.

"Make it stop!" Karin cried out as she tried cover her ears. "Its too loud!" Tsunade quickly turned to Shizune, her doctor side coming forth.

"Shizune what's wrong?!" Tsunade asks as Shizune comes to a stop.

"I don't know!" Shizune answers within a moment. "The only thing I know is that while I was carrying her she suddenly broke down telling how it was too loud and that she didn't want to hear anything and to shut up and the jumping out and running here."

'Somethings wrong-----' Erza thought but her thoughts ended midway when Karin shouted at her.

"Of course something's wrong!" She yelled at the red haired knight. "All of you are speaking way to loudly and not shutting up!"

"I haven't even spoke a word!" Jiraiya said.

"Don't lie!" Karin said as she pointed at the white haired sanin. "You just said something about a guy called Zeref, what to write in report, and sending the latest volume of your book!" She then pointed to Ma, overlooking the incredulous expression of Jiraiya. "You, whatever you are, are thinking the same thing along with what you'll get to eat tonight." Her finger than went to Pa. "Who is the great toad sage and why is he important, why do you even want to inform him about this Zeref?!" Her little fingers than pointed towards Tsunade.

"Stop talking about your winning, nobody cares about what you were about to win or loose!" Tsunade looked surprised at the words. "And why would they except a pig for a bet, it doesn't even look normal!" Said pig, Tonton looked at the old sanin with a glare, proving that he did not, in reality, look normal Her hands then went towards her apprentice. "And stop comparing your chest to the old hag!" Shizune face flared up as the rest turned to look at her, while Tsunade developed a twitching eye. "Why would you even want to compare the two?!" She hid herself or better yet, her face behind Tonton who was still glaring at Tsunade.

"And you!" She then pointed to Erza who raised a brow. "Who the hell is Natsu Dragneel and Happy, or Zeref and Acnologia, and can please just speak quietly, you guys are speaking way to loudly and it's making my head hurt so please.....just....... stop.......talking!" She said the last part between sobs. Jiraiya seeing that was first to step forward but stopped when he saw Erza move.

"Sure!" Erza said with a gentle smile as she sat in front of Karin who was rubbing her eyes. "Just keep your eyes closed, everything will be okay, alright!" Karin nodded her head as she closed her eyes as Erza quickly knocked her out, letting her head rest on her shoulder. Erza closed her eyes and took a deep breath before rising up, Karin still in her hold. "Now." She turned towards Jiraiya. "How are we getting out of here?"

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