Academy IX

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(Konohagakure No Sato)

The village Hidden in the Leaves was usually a eventful place.

Most of the events taking place because of one sole reason.

"UZUMAKI!" Came a loud shout and a yelp before a child clad in black T-Shirt and orange Pajamas and a Jacket hanging by the waist ran like a bat out of hell. "Stop right there you intolerant spawn of demon." After him ran few newly minted genin and some Chunins.

After the whole affair at Sunagakure no Sato, Hiruzen thought that while very unconventional, there were some merits to what the Kazekage had Naruto do at his place. But he can't have the very same thing for very obvious reason, he actually had a much better plan when he came back.


Yes what Hiruzen did was he put in a new mission, which was to Capture the Uzumaki after he had done something  or to stop him from doing something.

Both were herculean task in the eyes of the Genin and Chunins. And while the Jounins and ANBU did succeed, there was always some aftermath.

While it did have the effect of having the security tighten. There was a very bitter taste left by the children.

And Hiruzen enjoyed every bit of it.

Oh yes, Hiruzen Sarutobi, for the past few months, has developed some sort of demented liking, that his fellow teamates and the council elders have figured. Hello has started to like the misery of his subjects like that of a sadistic tyrant. The only way he would actually ever stop is if and only if, someone, for some insanely asinine reason, decided to compare, the leader of Konoha, Village Hidden in the leaves, Hiruzen Sarutobi to that of his subordinate and Shadow Kage of Konoha, Danzo.

And everyone knows how he hates to be compared to the Old Crow.

And Danzo knows about it too. And because of that reason only he hasn't said anything. Not because he can't, and certainly not because he is afraid of the Hokage.

Danzo Shimura has not said anything because of the sole reason that he would never admit to anyone. And that would be how he is enjoying the pranks of the Young Uzumaki.

And if ever asked, he would reply with how this is very childish.

But he certainly finds the so called pranks not only amusing and fun. But he also finds the pranks to be intresting, educational and tactical.

You've read that right.

Danzo Shimura finds the pranks to be educational and tactical for the sole reason of how Young Uzumaki was able to make it so that him and more often than not with him the Nara, Aburame and Uchiha children were able to find and exploit various holes and corners in their favors. Not to mention how these corners could've been a really big security issue.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy it. Oh he enjoys it a bit too much.

But all good things must come to an end and so was the streak of the resident prankster of Konoha.

The pranks had to end because of the serious situation that had come this time around.

The serious situation which happens to be oncoming entourage of various people from various nations.

"I will miss this." Came the unexpected voice of Danzo. "I certainly will." The other two elders Homura and Koharu looked at the man in utter surprise. This was the most shocking thing they have seen in a long while. Danzo Shimura finds the ridiculous pranks amusing and for some reason has taken a great intrest. Nothing could be more astounding than what they've just heard.

"I agree." And they realised how wrong they were when they heard their Hokage speak the words leaving their mouths agape. "It has certainly been very interesting time and missions if I say so myself." And he does say because it was his idea in the first place. Only a maniac would have thought off and done such things.

But that wasn't the reason their jaws were hitting the floor.

The reason they were that surprised because for the first time, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura have agreed on something without one pressuring the other. This was a scene they only thought could happen if the hell froze over.

But miracles do happen in life and this was one such instance.

"I believe we are here to put stop to this mania, instead of ponder over how much you will miss this." Homura says from her place.

"That is true, Koharu." Danzo mutters before straightening himself and looking at Hokage. "So have you called for young Uzumaki, Lord Hokage." Now came another surprise and Hiruzen raised a brow.

For as long as they have known the Old Crow, the man has never once referred to Naruto Uzumaki by name, he also doesn't refer to child as demon, demon spawn, prankster from hell, brat, problem child and several other anecdotes. He has always had only word for the child.


For him Naruto Uzumaki was an asset for him to use for the greatness of Konoha or as he likes to tell himself. He was nothing more than an asset. Not a Jinchuriki, not a beast, not a demon and certainly not the child of two of the best shinobi Konoha has produced. He was only an asset whose usefulness was for Konoha.

He has never in his lifetime has called Naruto Uzumaki by his name.

So him actually refering to Naruto Uzumaki as Uzumaki, much less adding young in front of the name made the spine of the three present elders shiver.

After some thoughts and deciding to keep Danzo under even more scrutiny, Hiruzen heard the door to the room knock.

"I believe that would be him." Hiruzen replied before turning to the door. "You may enter." And in came silver haired mask wearing jounin and chunnin who had a scar right over his nose, who held the blonde haired whiskered child right by the scruff of his jacket.

"You can leave Naruto now Iruka." Hiruzen answers. "I believe he wouldn't try to run away this time, not that he could with how ready most of the people outside the door are to pounce on him." After a quick deliberation Iruka let Naruto drop to the ground.

"You could be gentle in putting me down Iruka-Sensei." Naruto grumbled.

"Not after the last prank you pulled off you Naruto." Was the the quick reply that came from the disgruntled chunin, and before the two of them could argue further a cough came from Homura shutting the argument down.

"You can have that discussion later on, but right now we need the young Uzumaki to listen to us." Homura says. "As it is very important that he listens to what we have to say and that he will follow what we are going to tell him as the reputation of our village rests on it and as such it is very important that he listens to us." The elders look towards their leader to speak who took a deep breath to speak.

"We need you to stop with the pranks for sometime Naruto." Hiruzen says and for every shinobi that were around in hiding or were present there, a sudden hope rose. "And no, we are not asking Naruto, we are commanding you to." There was silence.

"THANK YOU GOD!!" And a loud cheer that erupted right after was something that was to remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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