Meeting the Teachers(Inuzuka)

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Hey guys I present to you people the next Chapter of Naruto: Dragon Slayer of Konoha, or DSK for short. I've been a bit busy and my other story, the crossover with MCU and Arrowverse suddenly shot up in strides. It's not good as this but it is a good story those of you who wants to read can do it too.

Now onto this story, I am sorry that I was unable to upload chapters regularly and I will try to complete the Academy part as quickly as I can. Expect some major changes in the characters and how it will divert from the cannon and just wait for it as I first gave to complete the Meet part of the story and then we can go to the major part of the Academy. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Now without any further delay I present you guys the next chapter of this story.

(Konohagakure no Sato
Inuzuka Compound)

Alright let's face. It several things have changed during the council meeting, that was thing that Tsume noted. With little Naruto having a bloodline like the one that has been discussed in the council, it would mean that he is now on the same pedestal as the rest of the clans are. The only bad thing is that he is the only one with the said bloodline, which makes it a bit easier for the Civilian Council to initiate the CRA for him and mostly add nothing more than but a bunch of civilian girls sometimes who are older than him. All in all he was going to have difficult time finding love in the future also if any of the member got with the little guy then there was a chance that they will also become a part of the things left behind by his parents for him which included hirashin and Uzumaki seals which shouldn't be happening except if he fell in love with a civilian than it is the whole other thing, unless the girl does it for money and nothing else. The saving grace this time have been the sudden and quick action of Hiruzen and unexpected support of the Danzo, which was a surprise in itself. Apart for the thing that he wants him to be turned into a weapon for him to use. Which again is not good.

'You know this ordeal has given me a bit more headache than a hangover does.' Tsume thought while rubbing her head. She then turned to look at one of her clansmen. "Bring me Jounin Raiga Inuzuka, from the ninken vet here." She commanded as the clansmen nodded her head and went out of the room to get the Jounin.

Why did Hiruzen chose these three? Was the prominent question that rang in the mind of the Inuzuka matriarch. She may not be as smart as some of the other Clan heads but even she could see that the Hokage was also planning things in the dark. And with the knowledge of this bloodline had somehow made him more vigilant.

Tsume was deep in her thought when the door opened again and a man in a Jounin vest appeared, he was tall, and had the same brown hairs and the Inuzuka clan markings like the rest of them. He had brown eyes and with him was his Ninken partner, Ranmaru. He was a big dog with brown patches near its eye and ears.

"Lady Tsume." Raiga started "You called for me?"

"Yes, Jounin Raiga." Tsume spoke in a formal tone as she looked at the one of her clansmen. "The Hokage has asked for you, you have been given a mission  by the Hokage himself and will be provided a team for this mission." She pauses as she saw the widening of eyes of the Inuzuka member, she would've been surprised either, she knew that a mission coming directly from the Kage has a lot of importance and could either mean a direct promotion or recognition if successful or sometimes death because the mission got ugly and you failed. "He will be coming here with one of your teammates, so that you could be acquainted with them, I want you to be in your best behaviour and present yourself properly to the Hokage." She stood up and walked towards the door "don't let me down little brother." Tsume spoke quietly but the widening of eyes from both Raiga and his partner showed that they heard her.

Raiga quickly stood up, followed by Ranmaru as they followed the Clan matriarch of the Inuzuka to the gates of the compound.  "Lady Tsume." Raiga called out to her clan head "if I may ask, can you tell us about this mission or my possible teammates, who are going to undertake this mission with me."

"You should've learned patience, little brother." Tsume spoke again "Lord Hokage are just about to reach here and you will find out about your mission then." With that Tsume looked in the front where the figure of Hokage followed with Kakashi and ANBU appeared, he also had Naruto with him, behind whom was the famous Shushin no Shisui of the Uchiha Clan. "Ah Tsume." Hokage greeted the clan matriarch who in turn bowed down to greet the leader of their village. "I am glad to see that you've called Raiga here." The Hokage looked at the young Inuzuka who in turn bowed down to the Kage.

"Lord Hokage." Raiga bowed to greet the Kage of the village.

"Stand tall Jounin." Hiruzen spoke as he looked towards the Inuzuka jounin "I have a mission for you."

Raiga stood firm and went to look at the gathered people. "I want you." Hiruzen started "to help prepare Naruto Uzumaki for future, he will be attending the academy but you have to help him get control of his super-human senses that he have developed because of his bloodline. I want you to train him so that these senses don't become a hindrance during a mission." Raiga had his eyes widened, he knew about the resident prankster of Konoha who is also the Jinchuriki of kyuubi, he didn't hate the kid, oh god no he did not, but he was mostly wary of him also the rumors regarding the child being haunted didn't help him either, but to find out that he had a bloodline, that is new, and what are the super-senses?

Hiruzen seeing the confused expression decided to elaborate on it "due to his bloodline his senses are increased to the point where it rivals an Inuzuka." Now that was a surprise because the Inuzuka has the best senses in the whole of Konoha if not the world.

"But why do I need to learn how to control them?" Naruto asks for the first time. Raiga hearing the question smiled at the little child.

"What is your name pup?" Raiga asks with a smile and the rest decided to watch the interaction. Naruto hearing him gave him a bright grin to match his smile. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, the future Hokage."

"Ah you dream to be Hokage." Raiga said with a knowing smile "the strongest ninja in the village. You know as the strongest ninja you have to be strong but also should know how to observe and use your senses." Naruto nodded his head excitedly as the Inuzuka kept on talking "and one thing you should know that super-senses are both blessing and a curse you can hear things that some people don't hear and because of that loud voices hurt people like us, also enhanced eyesight also has a problem because of sudden surge of light, same goes for smell too." He paused as he saw the Uzumaki kid who was now looking at him with his full attention. "That's why you need to learn how to use your senses in places where they can't help you properly. Are you ready for my training that I will provide for you?"

"Hai Sensei!!!"

Hey guys another chapter for this story has been completed, I don't have many expectations from this part but sometimes it happens and I still hope that you like this too.

I will soon complete the meet part and then we will go to the actual academy part, hold on for it and do expect some major differences from cannon, ofcourse expect them because this a fanfic. There will be character development and changes in personality too.

In the end remember to vote and comment.

Lights out guys

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