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(Konohagakure no Sato)

(Council Room)

'This is troublesome.' Shikaku Nara thought as the group of people argued about in a roundabout way, about the same thing. 'Should've gotten my ear plugs from Shikamaru.'

Right now the group of people were talking about the upcoming trip that was going to be held in lieu with the treaty talks with that were going to be held for the sole reason that the leader of Sunagakure, Subaku no Rasa was coming here, because of what they had added in the Bingo Books.

Well them and a few months after that the escorts from Iwa and Kumo will also arrive followed by the minor village Taki whose leader will come at the same time as Kumo, hopefully no trouble arrives with it, but considering all of their past rapport, it's just a flying wish. Speaking of that the leader of the rebellion from the Kiri will also be coming with her escorts, and at the same time as Kumo, what a timing.

So while they did add things in the Bingo Book and the leaders of the villages were coming here to discuss that, the council was arguing about something else, entirely.

"We need more guards near our houses!" A civilian member shouted as the people argued, and what do they even need guards for, if we are talking about protecting something important, than he is just a bit of a dirt compared to the objects that are in the clan house and the Hokage towers.

"Why do you even need guard around your house?!" A saner of the civilians spoke up. "Do you really think you are that important or that your family hold secrets that the spies from Suna will jump into your house!"

Well, as Hokage once stated, Suna doesn't have a Danzo among them, hopefully.

"Its not from Suna!" The man yelled out and the council went silent at. Did he just said that Suna was not the reason he was so frightened. Shikaku raised his head in curiosity at that.

"Than from what from?" The ANBU commander who was first to ask, looked in anticipation. Is there a criminal around tbe streets of Konoha, is someone threatning a councilman and his family, were the people from inside or from outside of Konoha.

"Its from the Uzumaki brat and his friends." The man said.

Or it could be something way too much exaggerated and idiotic compared to what they were thinking.

"Hold on a moment." Inoichi began. "You want to tighten the security around your house, that would be done by the shinobi Corps, during a time when Sunagakure no Sato, alongside the kage and the very first trip for the students, have you gone mad."

"Well excuse me for trying to protect my dignity in front of a kage!" The councilman retorted. "Everyone knows now that he is studying alongside the others, he somehow was able to get the heirs of every other clan to join him in his escapades, which includes, the young Uchiha heir, the Hyuuga heir and the Nara heir, two of the three are really inspired by his prank, while other provide the ideas."

The people in the council waited for someone to say something as the man looked at the Kage with a firm gaze.

"Denied." The Kage deadpanned. "Now if someone who actually have something to discuss, speak up."

"Lord Hokage." Danzo stood up. "I have to come to know that there are actually two reason for which the Kazekage will grace us, one of which would be for the Uzumaki brat, for obvious reason." The council murmured amongst themselves for obvious reasons, not knowing what to do with the Uzumaki brat and his supposed bloodline, that thing was a wild card. "And other would be the most recent addition to the Bingo Book, which if the Ho-Kage doesn't mind, I would like to read the lines from the additions that you've asked to be made." Ah that thing, Shikaku nodded his head, till date the most weirdest addition he had been asked to make, with as little info as they have, after all he didn't experience it himself, but Inoichi and Chouza did find a survivor from Acnologia's attack and Lord Jiraiya himself alongside Lady Tsunade has witnessed Zeref so who was he to complain.

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