Side Story-III

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"This is a surprise." Gamabunta said as he looked at his fellow summon boss, Katsyu and Manda as put his hands on the sword that he uses. "You still owe me drinks for the last time, Jiraiya."

"Can it wait, Bunta." Jiraiya said sheepishly as he glared in the direction of the purple snake. "Right now we have some people to deal with."

"Yeah, how did you come across him this quick?"

"Luck, I suppose." Jiraiya said as he shrugged his shoulder.

"That's some luck because Pa told me that you were talking about him, yesterday." He spoke as his eyes moved towards his head where Jiraiya and one other person was perched. "Speaking of luck and stragglers, who's the woman."

"Her name is Erza Scarlet-Uzumaki." Jiraiya told him.

"An Uzumaki!" Gamabunta looked surprised. "Its been a while since I've seen one." Erza raised a brow at the words. "Never really thought I would one except for Minato's brat."

"Can we talk about this later." Jiraiya exclaimed. "I need to capture him this time."

"You and me both!" Gamabunta said as he put his hands on the hilt of the sword he was wielding. "Just don't fall of lady." He said to Erza.

"I won't." Erza just said one word as the toad boss jumped in the air. 'I am happy I learned about chakra too.' She thought as she looked at the three giant summons one of whom which she stood on. The boss toad brought down the giant blade he was holding on the purple snake. Who dodged away and attacked at the giant slug who split itself apart and attacked the snake too. Erza noted that the the blonde haired woman attack the snake like guy with her fist reared back but he jumped away and attacked with a shuriken and kunai forcing the woman to jump away as the other woman with short brown hair called the giant slug to get the woman. The snake went for the slug again as Jiraiya jumped down and attacked the man and his cronies that were on the snake jumped away as the snake coiled around the slug who became several small slug. The boss toad on the other hand attacked with his sword.

"This is getting nowhere." She heard Jiraiya mutter as he came back on the giant toad.

"Tell the woman and your frog to get back." Erza commanded not noticing a set of tick marks appearing on the said frog's face.

"Oiii who are you calling a fro.......og?" He trailed off as a huge amount of sword appeared in the air. "Jiraiya whose she?" he saw a brief image of some kind of seal appearing before a sword appeared in the place. "And are those seals in the air?" Jiraiya quickly turned to Tsunade. "Tsunade get out of there?!"

Tsunade heard the words and looked up at the sky where a huge set of swords floating up in the sky. "Katsyuu get us out of here!" Tsunade said as Katsyuu looked wide eyed at the swords and quickly moved out leaving Orochimaru and Manda just below the swords.

"What did you get yourself into, Orochimaru?" Manda asks.

"Circle Swords!" Erza said as all the swords aimed at the giant snake. "Dance my blades!" At the familiar command the swords began to fall at them.

"Its raining swords!" Jiraiya gasped as various swords began raining at Orochimaru, his cronies and Manda.

He quickly put two of his finger together making the seal for release. "Kai!!" He yelled but the scene didn't change as the swords kept on attacking the bad guys. "Its not a genjutsu, either!"

"Manda, do something!" Orochimaru said as he tried his best to dodge the swords that were aiming at him. "This is worse than the Sharingan genjutsu!"

"This is not a genjutsu!" Manda exclaimed as he moved away. "I am going down!" Manda said as he turn his head to the ground slamming into it and making a giant hole.

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