Vacation 10

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Vacation 10: Behind the Pranks 

(Wind Nation, 22nd October

Sunagakure No Sato

Kazekage office)

After the meeting as the rest of the councilor went home with leaving only the Kazekage and the Honored siblings with the Hokage. All of the present people let out a sigh knowing that the problem that have risen due to one of the councilor. Hokage all the while wanted to be angry at the situation that Naruto has landed them in , even if a bit unknowingly, he wanted to cry because of the political trouble that may occur due to this situation. He looked at the Kazekage who also seemed to be agitated, he can't blame him as his family just started to get his family together and here is now because of one person the family will be separated earlier than it should be. Hiruzen then looked outside to see that it was now evening.

All of the present people looked at each other and sighed again and as they were about to stand up and call it the day when Touka, Kazekage's secretary knocked at the doors.

"Lord Kazekage, the shinobi has arrived with the children" Touka said with full amusement showing on her face.

Kazekage let out a sigh again and sat down the Hokage and the Honored sibling sat down with him as he motioned for Touka to let the shinobi and kunoichi in. As they entered the room the amusment in the room kept on increasing. The ninjas of Suna in question looked like they went to hell had a one on one duel with the demons there came back had a fight with Shukaku who sent them back to hell again and they repeated the process at least 10 times no less. Their appearance they were covered in Tar feathers, colors ranging from neon green to neon orange to blood red, face and clothes covered with sand, some of them also had bruises.

The Children in the front looking up at them with smile on their faces.

"So how much time did it take now." The Kaze kage asks with mirth in his voice.

And they starts to recount the tale even the impossible things like them moving over the pit and running in the wall without crashing and the fact that were not caught by any of them once, and the only reason they caught them in the end was because all of them were tired and were hungry. The Kazekage let out an amused chuckle as looked at the shinobi and then turns towards the kids "Well Naruto you did prank the shinobi as you said but the clans, the council members and us Kage have yet to be pranked." He says but stops chukling as the present shinobi grimaced and the children smirked.

"Don't worry Lord Kazekage." Now this surprised everybody because he never speaks in formal way "as you were one of the first few people to get pranked and there is at least 30 minutes left before the pranks on council members and the Kages and the clans spring up." Now this stopped the Kazekage from laughing, as the kid basically told him that he will be pranked and he will be the last to be pranked. He then directed his heads towards the shinobi then the people who were already present in the office and then back at the kids.

"I suppose you are not going to tell us what you have planned for us." He said while looking at all of them who in turn snickered.

"Now where would be the fun in that."

"So can you tell us how did you pull of some of the feats in the said prank. Like running into the wall without crashing, running on top of  a pit and several other feats." "One word" Naruto spoke "Genjutsu."

"Wait a minute" Kazekage spoke with shock in his voice "You kids just started your training and have only unlocked the chakra, so how come you six trapped the shinobi and kunoichi in a genjutsu." He asks this question with shock in his voice.

"I said they were trapped in genjutsu." Naruto said looking straight at Kages "It was someone else who help us with the genjutsu." At this both Kakashi and Baki came forward. "Baki and Kakashi." The kazekage spoke "Want to tell us why did you decided to help them?" was asked.

"We were the first to be pranked Lord Kazekage" Baki states "And because of the prank they got leverage over us." "What was the leverage?" the Kazekage asks the only answer he got was a distorted mumbling from both of the strongest shinobi.

"Can you speak clearly" The Kazekage said to both of them.

Both of them looked at each other than at the Kage and said their respective reason.

"Icha Icha Paradise: Under the Sun 2nd edition" Baki

"Icha Icha Pardise: Around the World Golden Edition author signed" Kakashi

"You have Golden edition" Was the first question that came out of the mouths of the present shinobi including the Kage as the female in the room glared at them. Ignoring the question Kakashi spoke again "He told us that we will not be getting the books till we helped them in their prank." This time everybody in the room were glaring at them. "All the while they were playing at the playground.

"So you are telling me that while all of my shinobi were running around like headless chicken, these six were playing at the playground without any care in the world as you entranced them in a genjutsu in which they were running after them and none of them even once thought that they might be in an illusion when the kids started flying while running."

"Yes Lord Kazekage." Both Baki and Kakashi said at the same time.

Both of the Kages sighed as it was only just one part of the prank, the clans have yet to complain about the six terrors.

"You know what today has been a long day." The Kazekage states "and we are all tired, so why not we go at our homes and the Hokage along with Naruto will go to the Hotel." at this everybody nodded and slowly everybody started dispersing. As it  came for the Hokage, Naruto and the honored siblings Rasa stopped them for a moment.

"Lord Hokage" Rasa spoke "Elder Chiyo, Elder Ebizo you are invited at my home for the dinner" At this all of them looked at him.

"As it was the last day today here, I thought it would be a good idea for the children to have a dinner here." He then turned towards Matsuri and Maki "Both of you are also invited along with your families. One of the ANBU will also be going with you to inform them." Both of their eyes widen as it was not everyday that the leader of the village invite you to their home for dinner.

After everybody went home it was just him in the office he then slowly turned as the screams started coming from the clan district. He then slowly looked from left to right waiting for something to happen. He then slowly turned his head towards the desk jumped a bit in the chair to test if something was done to his chair. He then opened a drawer in the desk and brought out a very familiar orange book and opened the doggy eared page he marked with a perverted giggle which turned into a frown as he read and then turned into a pale disgust as he threw the book away with a loud shriek. After getting every thing under control he let out an equally loud yell of 


Few blocks away from the Kazekage tower with Naruto and Co. Kankuro decided to speak up at the moment "Ahhh" He let out a content sigh "Music to my ears" he then looked towards his siblings and his friends who were smirking and slowly broke down laughing.

Another Chapter done, so here is the new chapter and if I am free I may post another Chapter in next 3 days other wise it will be next week.

Next Chapter will mainly focus Erza

So Lights Out Guys

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