Meet the Teachers: Aftermath

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(Konohagakure No Sato


It had been a few hours since the Hyuuga matriarch had been brought in by her husband in the hospital with her daughter by her side followed by the leader of the village, Naruto, Hizashi, Shishui and Raiga along with Kakashi and Genma. Once the situation has been told to the doctor, he quickly moved the woman to a room for them to flush out the poison that has been in her system.

Hiashi waited outside the room alongside with his brother and her daughter. Hiruzen came to check in on the family.

"How is she?" He asked with a fatherly tone. Hiashi looked from his brother to the village leader seeing that Naruto and the other jounin that the village leader chose for the little Naruto.

"The doctor told me that both her and the baby are not in immediate danger" Hiashi said with a relieved expression "But they are going to have to keep her under observation as they don't know when he, the doctor, started giving her the poison, so they will be keeping her to make sure that both of them are okay. According to them the poison has been given to her in a minimal dosage so that it won't show any outward reason that she was being poisoned. But the poison was still affecting her." He saw the confused expression on the face of the Inuzuka "The poison was what making her sick, but because the doctor was giving it, she, I allowed her to take poison from the doctor." He tightened his fist which made his nails dug in his hands in frustration, as his brother put his hand on his shoulder giving a sympathetic squeeze. "I was making my wife take poison. I was-----"

"You did not know Hiashi." Hiruzen commanding voice came as he stopped the man go down the road of self loathing "You did not know that the person that you put all your faith in was the person that was responsible for the decline in your wife's health. Trust me, I know. I have put my faith and trust on wrong people several time." As he said this the face of his wayward student make his way into his mind but he pushed it back. "But the better choice is to learn and not making mistakes like this in the future and lead to a better time. Your wife is still alive and you have worried daughter to look after too." At this Hiruzen turned to look at the girl who was looking at the door trying very hard to concentrate on the door where her mother was with the doctor and trying to activate her bloodline. "And remember that she is now out of danger." Hiashi turned his head and looked at the seasoned warrior and then turned to look at Naruto who was looking around the room in confusion and a lot of concern and wariness.

"For that I have Naruto" Hiashi then turned to look at the Inuzuka who is supposed to be the new teammate of his brother "And Inuzuka-San to thank for." Raiga being the older and sensible one of the two decided to answer the Hyuuga clan head.

"You do not have to thank us Lord Hyuuga." Raiga spoke in a formal tone "It is our duty as the shinobi and future shinobi of Konoha to protect everyone in the village as such it was our honor that we've got to serve you."

"Yeah" Naruto nodded his head back and forth "What he said?" Hiruzen rubbed his head. He really need to teach Naruto some tact and formal speaking. Not everyone would like someone with a bloodline, especially one like his, and on every aspect not just the dragon one, to be so informal. Hinata after hearing him speak turned to look at the kid and blushed a bit and began fiddling with her dress, which was noticed by everyone except the kid because whom she blushed and the father of said girl.

"No" Hiashi spoke out as he looked at the little kid who instead of looking wary, now that he decided nobody in here was going to harm him with the company that he was in currently, turned to look at the Hyuuga patriarch. "It is our job to pay respect to someone who not only save the member of the family but you saved the life of my wife the head of the Hyuuga family. It will be our honor if I would be able to pay you back." He spoke with much sincerity towards the two people who saved the lives of his wife and soon to be child.

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