Vacation 5

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Vacation Part 6: Prankster Regime Program 2

(Elemental Nations, Wind Country

20th October

Sunagakure no Sato)

Kazekage looked troubled just few minutes ago Tojuro, A member of Suna Council who came in a few minutes ago, his eyes still staring at the door through which Tojuro went, his mind currently thinking of the possible outcomes that could come from him knowing about this dragonic bloodline, there were several things that could occur now from this point onwards but he now have to arrange one last meeting with the Hokage. But there is one thing that he knew for sure that this meeting is going to be more troublesome than all the meeting no not all the meetings, it is going to be more troublesome than all the meetings including the mindless ramblings of the council with the troublesome paperwork as a cherry on the top. How much he loathes the paperwork.

He looks towards the window as a bird flies by, thoughts regarding a certain blonde haired blue eyed child playing with his children crossed through his mind, he was innocent and naïve, and his happiness was contagious, his energy was just that infectious. He could feel that energy in his children, his ninjas-even if they were being pranked and many of them would never admit it but they were liking the new joy that the blonde haired child bought into their life. He managed to be sociable with Garaa Jinchuuriki of the one tailed Raccoon or Ichibi no Shukaku. Granted that many of the civilians were afraid for the blonde haired child as some of the civilians has put it –luring an innocentchild into a trap so that he could kill him– truthfully the things they spoke were more graphic that a mere child should never know of but it was spoken with something like ripping him apart and bashing his head, other was tearing the skin of his bone when he is alive rip his hair off and then use his skull as a bucket, his blood as paint and use his hair as paint brush to write his name on the top of Kazekage office proclaiming himself as the demon king but moving on.

Yes as the day grew closer the shinobi were relieved that they wouldn't be victim of the prank anymore but in the back of their mind a tiny bit they were actually sad that the blonde menace was going back even if they would never admit it that Naruto Uzumaki brought something new and exciting in there very consistent and normal life.

In short.

They would miss him.

But right now.

They would kill him.

And his little band of friends.

Even if three of those friends were the spawn of their village leader

Even if one of them is from another village

Even if killing them would make it an international incident

Even if killing them would make the shinobi traitors to their village

Even if killing them would cause a massive raccoon demon to be free and raze their village

And just because of the last point they would not be killing them as none of them would want a massive raccoon on their asses.

So they were going to catch them and bring them to Kazekage and get humiliated in front of their colleagues and subordinates.


What have they done now that so many shinobi were running after them?

Well to put it simply they painted the village clan building

And the whole of the shinobi and kunoichi are after them.


They didn't want to listen to the clan member whine like a 5yrs old child whose candy has just fallen on the ground or a few weeks old child whose sucker was just taken and many other examples could be used but for the sake of their sanity and peace they will ignore it.

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