Vacation 9

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Hello My Friends here is the New Chapter for the DSK.

(Wind Nation, Sunagakure no Sato

Kazekage Council Room)

"I present the marriage contract between Naruto Uzumaki and Temari No Sabuku"

After what Toujuro had stated the council room was deathly quiet. The Kazekage was seething because he knew what Toujuro had done presenting such a notion in the middle of the meeting where both of the Kages could not do anything because he knew that many of the council member are already looking at the benefits from such proposition and the Hokage could not just reject it for it might start a possible war between the two nations. He looked towards his fellow Kage who looked agitated and disbelieving.

Hiruzen knew that bringing Naruto would cause trouble, but he did not keep in mind the political troubles that might have follow. He can not just reject such offer because as a Kage he knew that with a bloodline like Naruto many of the council will be looking for a way to acquire it, heck back in Konoha if the people knew about it, he would marriage proposals/demands before he will hit his teens.

"Before we proceed further, I would like all of you to see the bigger picture here" Toujuro started "We all know sooner or later the rest of the elemental nation will learn of such a bloodline, a bloodline that could obtain other elemental bloodline by eating the elements or restore their reserves by consuming the elements they are aligned to. And if they learned than there are high chances that they will try to acquire said bloodline especially the cloud. After all the shinobi knows about the previous Uzumaki kidnapping attempt that the cloud did." At this the eyes of the Kages and the elder widened because they didn't thought anybody else will be informed of Young Naruto heritage. "There will be several attempts from other nation for said bloodline if not like that then there will be attempts and considering both Kumo and Iwa are currently against us, considering both the Nation loathes ours especially yours for obvious reasons, more so Iwa than Kumo. And while Kiri may be currently in a Civil war, the resistance would not stop at the chance of gaining such a bloodline. Not only that but if I may have a guess, your village may have this bloodline and as such there are high chances that your council are currently will be looking for a way to make sure this bloodline preserves."

He then stopped for a moment and looked at the other council members "As to why I offered the hand of Sabuku no Temari the daughter of Kazekage, We know that as a member of a shinobi family and a family as prestigious as the Sabuku family who has the famed Iron sand bloodline, Temari will become a wonderful and strong Kunoichi, so as to show our respect and trust I presented a Kunoichi to be with a lot of potential and the union of such strong heirs of two family will surely sire children with lots of potential. Al the while strengthening the bonds of villages. Also I can see that young Uzumaki and the Kazekage siblings are getting closer day by day so I took the chance of bringing it closer."

"You have provided quiet a proposition for us Toujuro-dono" The Hokage stated with a tight smile "Once me and my companions reach Konoha, I will be sure to present it to the council." He didn't have any plans of reading that contract or actually showing it to any of the council member knowing that there are high chances that the council will actually agree to it. His train of thoughts stopped again when Toujoro spoke up.

"You won't have to worry Hokage-sama." He said "I already took the liberty of sending a contract to Konoha with the proposition, which copies is also going to the Daimyo of Wind and Fire Nation." 'Shit' was the collective thought process of the Kages and the Older siblings in the council knowing full well the meaning behind the words and if the smile on Toujuros face was anything to get by then he was quiet sure that the chances of the daimyos to accept the proposition was quiet high.

(Land of Demon

in a village)

The Land of Demon considering the name of the land the land did not actually contained lot of demons like its name. This land was quiet peaceful thanks to the priestess. In one of the village there was a house with old Japanese building design near the forest and an old couple could be seen working outside the house taking care of the plants and other things, inside the house in one of the rooms there laid a girl of 20 maybe 22 years. The girl hair was scarlet red as half of his hairs covering her right eye, the girl was covered in the blanket with a jar of water near the stand. The couple came back inside the house and went to her room to check on her.

As the older woman went forward to check on the girl her left eye flew open and she jerked awake sitting upright and summoned a blade in her hand pointing at the couple.

The girl was none other than Erza Scarlet.

Hey guys another Chapter of Naruto: DSK hope you guys like it. And thank you for voting for this story.

In the next chapter it will be explained about how some of the pranks happened or worked including the farewell from Wind.

You can also read my other story Currently Battle of the Worlds as I am still Working on the Title. It's a Marvel\MCU and DC\DCEU\Arrowverse crossover.

Thanks Comment and I'm Out.

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