Academy-VI(A Filler of sorts)

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(Konohagakure no Sato)

Naruto Uzumaki walked about the roads of the village.

The village has been treating him better since it was revealed to those old bags of Konoha how he had a bloodline. They still glared at him when he wasn't looking, did they really thought he wouldn't be able to feel that.

But now he was able to make some friends, especially Lee, Tenten and Shikamaru. Sasuke and Hinata were cool and all, but Hinata seems to get red a lot, and even faints sometime, there are a lot of times he had to run her back to her home because she was sick.

Sasuke on the other hand was a douchebag, don't get him wrong they were good friends, but sometimes he acted like there was nothing better in the world than him, it was so funny to see hs reaction when he ate his jutsu.

He was good friend with Chouji and Ino too, Shikamaru was the one who introduced them, and so were Kiba and Shino. Now the only problem was Neji.

Neji was like Sasuke, but multiplied by hundred. What was Sasuke multiplied by hundred? Lots of Sasuke, right? So he was like that, he also acted like there was nothing better in the world except for him, by hundred. Also he seemed to be angry at him, Hinata and Sasuke. Like really angry, whenever they are around he would just glare at them.

The only reason Naruto hadn't beaten his ass is because he is Hinata's cousin and Hizashi sensei's son. It has nothing to do with the fact about how he is super awesome at Taijutsu and has beaten Naruto before before making a *hmph* sound like those overly rich ladies. Also because it's really fun to prank him and see his reaction.

But who cares, he talked to jiji a while back and he told him that  is friends from Suna are coming over and will be staying for a few days, its going to be awesome.

Now the only thing more awesome than this could be the ramen from Ichiraku's. Oh yeah now that's some stuff.

As he walked, he was completely unaware of the discussion that was going on in his mind.

(Inside Naruto's Mindscape)

"So....." Kushina begins as she shuffles the deck of cards in her hands. "Your brother made you a demon, huh?" She expertly flipped a few cards putting them back in deck before shuffling again. "That had to suck."

"Not really." Natsu says from his side. "Considering that before that I was dead. I mean I am more pissed off about how he started a war just when we had a bit of peace, but that shit head started a war."

"I can get behind you on that one." Minato spoke as he watched his wife shuffle the cards. "I mean, it's not like me and Kushina had just enough peace to start the family, but somebody messed that one up." He looked at the giant fox that was on his right glaring down at the blue cat.

"That was not my fault." Kyuubu growled looking down as Kushina began to distribute the cards. "You and I both know, I was under the genjutsu and when I was released there the two of you were trying to seal me up." He looked at the cards that the cat had on him before saying. "I would raise if I were you."

"That is cheating!" Kushina yelled at the large fox before she also made a raise.

"That it is." Natsu said looking at his cards, he didn't knew much about poker, had the same knowledge as that of the author, but at times the game was fun, so he played. He then looked towards the giant fox, a question dancing in his mind. "Say you told me that your father made you, right?"

"Yes what about it?" Kyuubi looked confused at the question.

"And he did it by defeating his mother with the help of his brother, and by taking almost of half of her Chakra and making nine of you?" Natsu asked to confirm.


"So wouldn't that make your grandma, your mother." Happy said and Minato chocked on his breath, which shouldn't be possible considering he was dead. Kushina also looked at the feline with mouth gaping at his words, and so was the Kyuubi. "Talk about taking family relationship things too far?"

"What?!" Kyuubi roared in disgust. "No! Why would you think that? What were you doing thinking something like that!" He paused as they got rid of a really disgusting thought. "I was made from a part of her Chakra, I was not born like you guys, I was made, I only have Kaguya's essence in me, nothing else, we are more like a part of Kaguya or one ninth of half of Kaguya."

"And Kaguya, was a girl?" Natsu asked and Kyuubi was taken aback.

"Yes?" He looked towards Minato who looked back at him.

"Why are you looking at me, you were there you should know." Minato says while looking at the man.

"I don't know that was sort of a curveball, I didn't expect that kind of question." Kyuubi replied to Minato before he turned back to Natsu. "Yes, she was girl, and yes we were part of her or we were her at a point."

"Cool, cool." Natsu looked at his card before he raised again. "So why aren't you a girl?" And Kushina almost dropped her cards.

"What?!" Kyuubi roared again. "What is this stereotyping?!"

"I mean, you were at a point girl, that's what you said didn't you, you were Kaguya at a point, because you were her Chakra." Natsu answers as he reassembles his cards. "So why aren't you a girl, why are you a guy?"

"I don't have a gender you asshat!" Kyuubi roared again. "I am made purely of Chakra, I have no gender, I am just Chakra given consciousness!"

"Ahh, okay." Natsu raised his hands in a thumbs up position. "Got it!"

They all remained silent for a moment before Kushina spoke up.

"So what brought up that question?" Kushina asks while looking at Natsu.

"Oh it was because it seemed like some of the myths back home." Natsu answered as he nodded his head. "There were a lot and they were weird. And Erza had me read up on a lot of that."

"Really?" Kushina asks, she had heard about Erza Scarlet a lot, including a stripper called Gray, Lucy, Wendy, Gajeel, Mirajane, Lissana, Cana and many more, but Erza was in a lot of them, followed by Igneel and Makrov. "Like what?"

"Like, that one time some titan castrated his father the sky, and the ball dropped in the sea." Minato began to fidget in his place at the myth. "And how that pair balls turned into the most beautiful goddess around." Now that turned into confusion.




Was the reply he got from all of them.

"Yeah, it was really weird." Natsu began as he folded raised for another time. "I mean, how did she came out from the castrated balls, shouldn't he be a she? That was really gross"

"I am more interested in that than the game now." Kyuubi says as he turned towards the dragons sayer.

"So am I." Kushina says as she folded her cards too interested in the myth.

Meanwhile Naruto had a gross nightmare about how Kronos castrated Uranus and out of those balls something womanly came out. He promptly threw up everything, which consisted of what was in that ramen, cringing about how that was something he shouldn't have known.

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