Vacation 8

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The Grand Prank 2: The Escapades and the meeting

(Sunagakure No Sato, Wind Nation)

In the afternoon, after throwing almost half of the Suna Shinobi in the pit, the 6 children or hell spawn were seen running from the rest of the corps who were not there. The Shinobi chasing consisting of Baki and Yashmaru in lead.

A few blocks away few of the shinobi remained in hiding and dug a pit and covered it with sand you know the typical trap of making pit where the one who made the pit waits for the victim to fall in the pit, the oldest trap in the history of mankind, yeah that was the kind of trap they made and covered it with with sand and leaves, yeah leaves, as soon as they saw that the Hell spawn were running towards them they quickly hid behind with camouflages, that included a nearby window, around the corner of a shop and a bush, how it was thought that a bush would be a good cover was unknown and who was the dumb ninja to think that a green bush would be a good disguise at a place which is in the middle of desert. 

As the Pranksters came closer and closer the area around them grew in suspense as it was the anticipation was great and the world  around them turned slow all were moving in slow motion as the hell spawns came closer to the pit, the smirks and manic smiles on the faces of the shinobi grew larger and larger with each step the children took, the civilians looked at them(shinobi in hiding) as if they have lost their minds as they looked like a certain demented & deranged raccoon, all of them were expecting different things most of which included the hell spawn(the 6 children) running into there trap and falling in the pit as they will drop feathers and and tar and coke and piss and glue and colors, basically everything that they could think which will not kill the children.

What they really didn't expect was the six children, all six of them to pass over the the pit as if it was not even there, the moved over the pit step by step as the rest of the shin-obi grew wide eyed as the six of them moved over the pit, not jumping not falling not sling they were moving as it was the cold hard floor, all of them kept watching as the six hell spawn kept on moving forward, as the pit cover that they dug open didn't even budged from the weight of the six children as they kept on running.

After the six of them had passed the shin obi in the hiding watched as the other ninjas that included of various Genin, Chunin, Jounins and few Sand ANBU running after him. As they drew nearer they expected the same thing that happened with the children i.e. watching them effortlessly move over the pit as there ingenious trap fails with epic proportion. Everything slowed down, they again waited with baited breath as the their fellow shinobi and kunoichi came closer to the trap, as the first foot that came on top of the ground, it caved in and what happened next was that every shinobi following started to fall in the pit few of the skilled once were able to save themselves until the one with not much skills struck them in the back with full momentum and made them fall in the pit and then themselves fell in the said pit. The end result was the huge shinobi pile up in the pit with every one laying on top of each other. 

The one who dug the pit slowly peeked into the pit as the ones below started to glare at them with hate that would make the Kyuubi proud and Shukaku cackle in delight.The ones slowly retracted their heads as the Killer intent became very clear and very dangerous and was enough to make all three of the Sanin wary of the ones releasing this much KI.

(With the Hell Spawns)

The six children led by Naruto were running away from the group of Shinobi as they continued running from the shinobi behind them. A few blocks away some of the ninjas(probably the same ninjas that created the pit) were creating a genjutsu as as they blocked the road and created the genjutsu making it look like that the path was being used by several civilians. 

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