Vacation 11

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Vacation Part 10: Where am I?

(Land of Demons)

Erza Scarlet hadn't felt confused in a long time and she was confused a lot of time, she felt confused and afraid when she was in tower, she was confused and betrayed when one of her dear friend turned his back on her while escaping the tower, she was confused when she saw a guild for the first time, she was confused when Master Makrov disbanded the guild,she was confused when she first used her magic, heck she was even confused when she first ate the strawberry cheese cake and still remembers the feeling of heaven it gave when she ate it. The Last time she was confused when the battle between the Alvarez and Fiore started because Zeref attacked a member of her guild, more specifically Natsu Dragneel which later turned into anger and rage. And after training and fighting for a long time she had not been confused, as most of the moments, she was driven by nothing else but pure adrenaline. After getting knocked during one of the attacks she remeber nothing else except for the anima portal with light and being sucking into it and Natsu's scream and nothing else except for the darkness.

And now she is here, having woken up, in a house and in front of two people, both old but still looked vigilant and prepared if there was any kind of surprise attack from the red-head. Currently she was sitting in-front them on chair as the sat opposite to her, she remember waking up and pointing her sword which knocked out of her hand with deadly precision by the old man that was sitting with old lady, with a kunai. After that what happen was what resulting in the old couple missing a wall from the room in the house.

As she was now sitting at the table after everybody calmed down, that means the old lady calmed both of them down before both of them could throw another sharp thing at each other. How did she do it, she did it by using a frying pan to the head of the old man and threatened to do the same with her, suffice to say she relented because for some reason she looked really dangerous with that pan.

As she sat there she tried to gauge out her surroundings as she knew that she was nowhere near Fiore or if she was in Earth-land as she still remembers the the feeling that the Anima gives while someone is around it. She then turns her attention towards the elderly couple. The old man looked to be around 53 but still was in good shape if his throw and precision was anything to look at, he was wearing brown pants and a red shirt also he was wearing a blue jacket over it and sandals, pardon shinobi sandals in his feet. The old man had purple eyes and his were a bit red in color, not red like hers which was more or less bordering on blood red or scarlet(which was actually her hair color)  whereas his was more on the lighter shade of the red and looked like it was fading. He was currently staring her down  from the other-side of the table. She then turned to look at the lady she also had red hair but just like the old man hers were also faded. While her eyes were indigo in color, she was wearing a blue kimono and had her hair in a bun while also wearing the shinobi sandals.

The old woman slowly stood up and went to the kitchen "I see now that you have woken up." The Old lay said as she moves toward the kitchen "and I am sorry for my husband's action, considering that you woke up from a month long coma and also looking at some of your injuries you have I have to guess you last were in some kind life-death situation." She then came back from the kitchen with a kettle and few cups. "would you like some Tea, dear?" she asks while looking at her, Erza did not looked sure what to think of the couple, on one hand it could be a well placed illusion by the forces of Zeref, god knows what he could do with the Fairy heart with him. But for some reason she knew it was not an illusion as all of this not only she remembers bits of things that happened before she landed here but also because the women looked and felt pretty real also the glare of the old man was pretty real. Not only that but the taste of the Tea was real and it was quiet delicious tea.

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