Vacation Begins

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Vacation Begins

(Elemental Nation, Fire Country

2 days later, October 12

Tanazaku Town)

Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Third Hokage of Konohagakure No Sato, The Professor, The God Of Shinobi, Sensei of the Sanin, The three legendary ninjas and student of second Hokage, veteran of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Great Shinobi War. In his time he has seen many things, including bloodlines of different caliber. But this takes the cake. This bloodline, from what he read, was unique in every way, and on top of that it was written by a Prince of Fire Dragon who may or may not be little Naruto's ancestor, the Fourth Hokage and his wife who are definitely his parents. He didn't even know that they had this kind of bloodline and Naruto was extremely happy when he found that the Fourth Hokage and his wife, which he now found out that he had a wife and how beautiful she must be to make his hero fall in love with her, granted it was unknown to the most of the population of Konoha which in turn made him even more happy to know something others didn't know, had written a letter for him.

The Hokage was annoyed that both of them hidden away a letter of this kind from him, what would happen if he never found about the scroll. It could fall in the wrong hands, even if they won't be able to open it, they should not be this much careless and they wrote a letter to letter to their son hidden away from him that talked about a bloodline that has given him a headache. And not just any normal type bloodline like Uchiha Sharringan and Hyuugas Bayakugan, hell he would have loved it if he had Mokuton of the Shodai Hokage or the legendary doujutsu Rinnegan like Hogoromo Otsutsuki, the Father of ninjutsu. But no they had to be like an Uzumaki, even if one of them was and one is, and this had given him a huge headache. He knew the council will know about him having eaten fire from one of the attack of the chunin and would likely want to know how he did it. He didn't need to worry about the Shinobi council and some of them were trusted by Naruto, including himself and his ANBU, so that means that they could read the letter but not the rest, and that's was what was eating him. It seems that Minato had created some kind of seal that allow only a person with Naruto's bloodline and people who he may trusts to see and read the words in the letter. And the only thing he know is that not one of the civilian council will believe it if they found that he had some kind of bloodline and if they do 'I don't want to think about it' he thought 'I needed a vacation away from the council and the paperwork, that's why I came here. So think happy thoughts, happy thoughts'. As much as he tried he was unable to think just that.

And the only thing that made the whole letter legit was the signature of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Namikaze and their stamp at the end. That was the only thing that could shut up the council and allow them to believe the words written in the letter, he knew that showing them the letter won't work because it really won't show anything to anybody else, he knew because he tried it by calling in his secretary and by asking her if she could read the scroll and he snorted at what she said '"the scroll was empty" she say' the Hokage thought while holding the scroll 'the amount of information in this scroll could make Kumo and Iwa kidnap him, just so they could research and have children that could refill their chakra by eating element, more so Kumo, Iwa would likely to torture him before hit his teen'.

Now the bloodline itself, it would probably just make this bloodline more feared, respected and wanted. Naruto already has huge chakra reserves, given his heritage, but this bloodline also enhances his body giving him heightened senses equal to or greater than Inuzuka clan after he found out he could smell more people in the room and could also hear thumping of some kind, showing that he could also hear heartbeat while being extremely close to people and also that there was someone else in the room, all the more reason to get out of their and laying out some rules and giving most of the authority to the shinobi council except few and made sure to tell them not to do anything if something regarding Naruto comes up. He also sent a letter to the Fire Lord telling him about going to Suna and telling him about whom currently has authority in the council. 'Should have waited to see the look on Danzo's face, handing out most of the power to the clans, than him would surely get under his skin' Sarutobi thought with a snort. His eyesight was also enhanced making him see things better than anyone else.

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