week six

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I yawn and stretch my arms out across my white bedding. That nap was surely needed from such a long week. The week went by extremely slow. Everyday consisted of a mid-term; all of which I am pretty sure I did pretty well on. This whole not having a social life really does help me focus on school.

The clock on my nightstand reads 5 p.m. I've been asleep for 2 hours. I glance at the floor to see my whole backpack dumped out with history review notes scattered everywhere.

Luya and I met Tuesday and Wednesday and helped each other with European History 101. We've grown to become friends in the past two weeks. She even met my parents, even if it was only for 5 minutes.

Luckily though my parents left last Saturday in a rush. The only time they seemed to enjoy when they were here was when my Mom got drunk and fell asleep while Luke and my Father watched College Football. Speaking of Luke, he is shockingly very good at math and helped me review for my math midterm.

Ever since that disaster dinner night with my parents I haven't been avoiding him and I have learned to not be so rude, slow improvements I guess.

The A.C turns on pouring out of the ceiling vent and my room becomes a freezer. I pull the covers up to my neck and dread getting out of bed to get ready for tonight. Though it is Friday, and I'm extremely relieved to be done with tests.

Surprisingly I actually have plans. Luya's boyfriend Michael is coming down this weekend to visit her and she invited me to get pizza with them tonight. She even told me to invite Luke, who I have mentioned a couple times to her.

She has this strange feeling about him even though they've never met, she insists that he has a thing for me, which is ridiculous. Last night when he was trying to help me with Graphing Logarithms and his head almost exploded from frustration. I lack natural math capability which makes him angry.

I haven't even asked if he wanted to go get pizza yet. We've never even hung out before outside the properties confines and I fear if we do I might actually enjoy his company. I'm not even sure why that scares me but it does. Plus I don't want him to think I'm asking him out on a double date or anything because gross.

He probably already has plans anyways so theres no point in asking. He does not want to be friends. He probably is screwing some girl tonight. He probably hates pizza...

Okay I take that back, everyone loves pizza.

Eventually I am able to drag myself out of bed, shower, and put on some clean clothing. I blow dry my hair so it isn't wet in the autumn cold. By the time I achieve a somewhat decent appearance it is 6 and I should leave soon. The pizza place is at least a 30 min drive.

I pull on my knee high boots and step down the stairs trying not to sound like a giant stepping. I tend to have a loud walk I've been told. Downstairs I hear Shyla on the phone talking to some mattress vendor, arguing about some discount she insists she should receive.

She sits on the kitchen counter kicking her legs back in forth. It hardly ever feels like she is actually an adult because she's more like my best friend. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles and hangs up the phone mid sentence of the person on the line.

¨Woah look at you!¨ She teases.

I look down at myself in brown boots, ripped skinny jeans, and a white long sleeve, nothing special. But I say ¨Thank you.¨

¨What are you doing tonight?¨ She asks

¨Going to get pizza with that girl Luya I told you about, well her and her boyfriend.¨

¨You're third wheeling on a Friday night? Rough Izzy.¨

I laugh, ¨I was actually going to ask Luke to come with so I wouldn't have to third wheel but...¨ I drag out.

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