week eight part three

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My eyes flicker open, unaware at first as to what my previous night had entailed. I grow aware though as I find myself and Luke spooning on his couch. I don't know whether to laugh or feel ashamed. His warm arm is placed gently over my hips and his hand is sprawled open.

He breathes deeply into my ear that sends sparks down my spine. As much as I'd like to stay in this warm embrace, my fully recovered conscience gets to sudden urge to run. To run and to vomit, luckily in that order.

I quickly peel myself away from his softly snoring body and quietly make my way out of his house. Halfway back to the main house though, my mouth begins to water and I bend over releasing last nights pancakes and liquor on dead grass.

Thankfully, it does make me feel better, even if it was extremely disgusting. I wipe my mouth and walk barefoot back to my house walking up the cold wooden porch steps up into the kitchen. I close the door gently behind me hoping to not face Shyla.

I still don't know if I have the courage to tell her the truth. I decide to play it off as though I was hanging with Luke and got tired and crashed there. She'll be so excited that him and I hung out she won't even question things.

My nose immediately meets the smell of fresh coffee making it very evident there's no avoiding her. She looks up from a newspaper while sitting in a island stool. Her eyebrows raise as she scans my attire. I completely forgot I was wearing his clothes.

This looks bad. I walk to the counter and get a mug, pouring myself coffee that we both know I won't drink. I take a sip and smile at her curious face, ¨Morning. Sleep well?¨

She smirks and looks back through her reading glasses at the paper, ¨Just fine, have fun last night?¨

My heart does a flip flop thinking about the horrific man who nearly raped me, I cough up the coffee stuck in my throat, ¨Yeah, just hung out with Luya and then Luke.¨

¨Oh yeah, what'd you and Luke do?¨ She hints to me.

¨Just played video games and talked, not anything exciting.¨

¨Hmmm," is all she says before reminding me, ¨the party is tonight. Investors are coming, so please help me set up.¨ I release a breath is thanks that she didn't infer anything else about my night.

I nod and get to my feet again to go upstairs and take a nap before having to work, halfway out of the room she decides to talk about, ¨Oh and Isabella?¨

¨Yeah?¨ I cautiously respond.

¨Happy Halloween!¨ She giggles.

¨You too,¨ I reply and walk up the stairs thankful she didn't make a 'be safe' joke or something. Although I know she was dying to.

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