week nine

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The steam pours over the brim of my mug as I add water to my third cup of tea this Monday morning. My body is molded into the cushions of the small shop's largest couch. I came to campus a few hours early to visit one of my professor's office hours, but when I arrived I saw that Kyle was there.

The physical wound I had inflicted upon him is finally disappearing; how is it fair though that the wound he gave to me will never go away?

When I saw the tall brunette, I nearly threw up. He didn't see me. I can't face him not now, and probably not ever. I knew what he'd tell his friends: he'd say I was a tease, that I 'led him on,' that I'd been the one to go to far. All of these will be lies. When will rumors about me not exist?

The worst part is, no one will know the truth, he'll do it again. If only I could come forward and stop him, but I can't do anything without major repercussions. I can't go back to jail... I can't.

To pull my mind from the dark place, I figure I should check my email. Calum has been emailing me here and there, catching me up on the past years events in our small little town: The one I'd called home.

The screen comes to life. I type in my email and wait as the slow wifi drags out the process. Finally the page loads.

Inbox (15) the top left corner displays. I scroll my mouse over and click inbox. My eyes skim the titles of the emails. I run the cursor to the most recent message from Cal.

From: Calum

To: cooperi4@gmail.com

Update: All the major roads are closed and I am stuck at my parents house. They haven't tried killing me yet so this is good news. Wish I was where you are, I hear there's not much snow. I ran into your dad at the grocery store yesterday, he seemed sad. I didn't say hi though. How are you? Classes? I should really be in school too but... Umm. So that Luke guy? Is he your new best friend? I'll kick his ass.



I remember the winters up there were hell. All the roads would be ice and fog and snow storms were not the most fun to drive in. I wonder how my dad is, and my mom. Not like I should care, they don't care how I am. My dad would have put up a manly front if Calum would've said hi, I know him. Calum's last sentence makes me laugh, Luke and him in a fist fight? Hilarious.

To: calpalhoodie@yahoo.com

From: Isabella

Update: It's cold here too, no snow storms though. Lucky me! I wish you were here too, you'd like it, there's lots of uhhh eccentric people you could say. Glad your parents did not kill you. Mine sure would like to kill me haha. My Mom would have said hi to you though, my whole family loved you. I'm fine, my classes are hard but I'm doing well. Luke's a friend, I guess we are pretty close but you shouldn't kick his ass :) Tonight I get to go to a beach festival! Apparently it's a school tradition. I'm going with my friend Luya I told you about, should be fun. Keep me informed on the latest.



Growing close with Calum again, even if only virtual, has mended some pretty deep wounds that I thought would never heal. Ever since Halloween I feel happy. I've had a few sad moments, but doesn't everyone?

I go back to the inbox and scroll down to delete junk mail. My eyes stop when I read the email address CindyCooper@VEstates.co

My mom... what is she emailing me for. I could delete it. I probably should. She could ruin my happy streak in a moment with this email. I tell myself not to open it a million times but I do it anyways.

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