week ten part three

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A/N EVERYONE HOLD TIGHT. KEEP YOUR LEGS AND ARMS IN THE VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES. ahahahaha jk but this is about to get real guys be prepared. xoxo jo

I wanted to cross that line. I wanted to kiss him and finally let someone in. But Luke is too good. Too good for me. It hurts, I won't deny that. I can't deny that.

But I had to run away, he already said he doesn't mind if we're just friends. I need him... I need him so much it hurts. It's dark and I can't see anything, but my feet carry me away from him, further and further with each stride.

The piercing cold fills my pores and I swear my tears turn to ice the moment they fall from my eyes. I cry too much. But this time it isn't a silent cry, I sobb. I eventually find my way back to the warm house, still sobbing like a child falling off a swing.

I wish I was brave enough to explicitly say that I want him, more than anything. But my mind talks me out of it. The house is awfully quiet. Shouldn't Ashton be back now? It's almost nine.

Taps against the floorboards sound like they are coming from the front living room. I wipe my tears away with my sleeves and take deep breaths. When I enter the room, I grow very confused.

Sitting very still and quietly are Ashton and a broad man in a old looking suit. They are talking, and it looks quite awkward. I walk in cautiously, wondering what could be going on. I hope Shyla is okay.

¨Hi..?¨ I say in a hushed tone. Both men stand quickly, looking relieved to have me enter the room. Ashton smiles and gives me a weird look.

¨Ms.Cooper?¨ asks the man, his voice being strikingly monotonous.

¨Yes?¨ I ask, growing very scared.

Ashton interrupts, ¨This is Mr.Howard, your parole officer.¨

My eyes widen and I look between the men. I put on a fake smile and approach 'Mr.Howard'. I shake his hand and then sit down, attempting to be not to casual. ¨Nice to meet you sir.¨

He coughs and pulls out a clipboard, ¨If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate to be called officer Howard. It's a bit more appropriate considering the circumstance.¨

¨Uhh,¨ I stutter from nerves ¨N-n-no problem, Officer Howard.¨ I cross my legs and glance nervously at Ashton, who looks equally as confused. ¨Is everything okay sir?¨

¨Well I hope so,¨ he begins ¨this is a standard, random, check up required that you participate in by the State. You should have been informed at the time of your.. uhh.. shall we call it departure.¨ He finally sits down. A good distance away.

I wipe my running nose with my sleeve and nervously laugh, I always nervously laugh. I look to Ashton to see if he is surprised by the presence of a parole officer. He looks concerned, not surprised.

¨Y-ya-yes I was, uh informed this would occur. I just didn't expect it to be in the middle of the night.¨ I reply.

¨Yes, it's a bit out of the norm, I apologize. You look to be not in the best, shall we say sorts?¨ He says, referring to my puffy eyes and runny nose, clear signs of crying. I fidget and wipe my nose for what seems the millionth time.

¨No problem, it's just allergies.¨ I will punch him if he says 'shall we say again.'

He nods, and Ashton speaks, ¨So what does this visit for?¨

¨Well primarily it's for me to analyze your improvements and to interview someone close to you about how you have been.¨

¨I've been good,¨ I mumble awkwardly.

¨I guess I'll see about that.¨

¨So shall we begin the interview?¨

¨Please,¨ Ashton groans.

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