week twelve part three

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It's been a month and a day since I last updated and I'm so sorry about that. The time I usually spend writing has been spent studying for the ACT and my upcoming AP tests. Anyways I'm doing it now so I hope you enjoy it :-)

My hands shake her shoulders gently. She blinks her eyes a few times, probably expecting to find Ashton waking her up at home for breakfast but instead she finds my eyes looking down at her. I smile and she returns a shy smile. She sits up and stretches out her arms.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A few hours I think."

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," she apologizes while trying not to stare past me out the window.

"It's fine," I ensure her. I needed the time to think. Most of the time I found myself just staring at her and thinking about how lucky I am, but then I'd think I was creepy for watching her sleep; A vicious cycle. The rest of the time though, I'd stare out the window and remember all the years of my childhood I took this trip.

So many times, but instead of a beautiful girl asleep on my lap, I'd be the one asleep, cuddled up in between my Mom and Dad while my brothers shot each other with nerf guns.

I never minded being the youngest one. The attention I got from my parents was more than both my brothers combined. I didn't realize it until it was gone though, until my family was ripped apart. Mostly from my mom getting sick, but I contributed to finishing it off.

When the large white colonial styled house appears into view I immediately feel my pulse increase. It's as if Izzy knows exactly how I feel. Her small cold hand intertwines with mine and she leans into me again whispering into my ear "Is that the house?"

I nod quickly trying to relax, little sweet kisses meet my neck and I turn to Izzy. She just smirks. God she's something else. I glance back one last time at the house before the car is let into the gates and I crash my lips into Izzy's.

She's the only thing that makes me feel better. She moves in response to my touch and scooches until she's sitting on my lap and our bodies move in sync. Her tongue grazes the bottom of lip piercing and I pull away before I'm in too deep.

She looks at me when I pull away then looks down, "What'd I do wrong?"

The car is put into park and I take her hand again, "Nothing baby, I just didn't want to be extremely turned on while I see my family for the first time in a year," I laugh and kiss her cheek.

She smiles slightly again, "Everything will work out how you want it. If it doesn't though, you'll still have me."

"I'll still have you," I nod to myself.

My door opens and I step out onto the paved driveway. Parked ahead is a speed boat, two BMW's, a Lamborghini, and my dad's classic Harley Davidsons. A flash memory of the rides he used to take me on pass in my mind.

"Do you want some help?" I hear Iz ask to the driver unloading our bags from the trunk. He shakes his head no and she hesitantly comes to my side.

I grab her hand, she squeezes it and we begin walking towards the large front door while the driver takes our bags to the front porch. We stand there for a few seconds, just feet from the door. She looks to me but I don't budge.

Her small hand reaches across me to push the door bell. Through the thick wooden door I hear the familiar ring of the bell and footsteps growing closer. The doors opens and on the other side of it appears my eldest brother Ben.

He's always been the responsible one, he was the one who planned my mom's funeral when no one else could handle it. He taught me how to tie my shoes and write my name. I have so many fond memories of us.

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