week eight part five

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The guests poured in spanning over the first hour. It appeared to be over 40 were here. It's funny, you could just tell by the way each person held their wine glasses what kind of wealth or types of ways they've been raised to be. A older man dressed as a vampire in a designer suit sniffs the wine before every sip like somehow each time he taste it, it would taste better from the seconds of aging.

Luya, Luke, Michael, and I are the only people here under the age of 40. I assume all the younger people were taking their kids out trick or treating. Not many trick or treaters come out to the outskirts of the city.

The four of us sit in one of the back rooms, scarfing down the delicious food until all of us are laying on the floor holding our stomachs and staring at the ceiling. "I think I'm in a food coma," Luya whines.

"Maybe you shouldn't have taught the whites how to plant potatoes Pocahontas. Then you wouldn't have eaten half your body weight in mashed potatoes," Michael says poking her. We all laugh.

"It doesn't even feel like Halloween," I say after a few moments of silence. Being a kid was so much fun, not having to worry about your future, or money, or any of the hard thing about growing up,

"Yeah," Luke says quietly then louder says "we'll have to fix that then."

"How so?" Luya and I say in unison as we sit up.

"Well, we gotta do something that'll scare us," He hints. We nod our heads as if telling him to continue. "This is an old house, a lot of weird things might have happened here." Luke's voice says in a raspy tone.

Michael smirks, "You know what they say, today is the day of the dead," I shiver as those words spill into my mind. The dead.

Luya pulls her knees toward her body, "I'm not into the whole ghost scene babe," she explains to Michael.

"C'mon," Luke moans "It's just a game!"

"What's just a game?" I ask turning towards him.

"Ouija," He smirks.

"Oh hell no, have you ever seen horror movies, this is always how it starts. Next thing you know we're all possessed by different demons and I'm not about that kind of lifestyle." I ramble.

Michael and Luke exchange a look, like they both will not give up this creepy experience. Luke looks at me with a puppy dog face, extending his lower lip outwards and licking his lips. As distracting and sexy as that is, I'm not about contacting the dead.

What is it were real, and someone came back to talk to me. I don't want that, I don't want to know what the dead think of me. Imagine how many creepy things they could say. Ugh it gives me the creeps.

Michael whispers something in Luya's ear and then she speaks, "I mean I guess it could be fun."

"Are you insane? What ever happened to girl power Luya!" I whine. She shrugs.

I throw my head back and close my eyes, I mean how bad could it be? They call it a 'game' for a reason. It's not real.

I repeat 'it is not real' nearly a thousand times with my eyes closed. Warm breath makes contact with my neck just below my ear raising hundreds of goosebumps. Luke's deep voice whispers, "C'mon Iz, don't act like such a princess."

I turn my head to face him, I whisper so only he can hear, "If anyone is a princess here it's you...virgin," I smirk sarcastically. I lean closer now to his ear and breath heavily to see if I have the same effect on him as he does on me. Goosebumps raise within seconds and he fidgets, waiting for me to say something. "You're on."

"You're gonna pay for that," he replies biting his lip ring.

Neither of us move for a few moments, we just capture this strange moment between each other. I pull away to find Luya and Michael deep in conversation, like they hadn't even noticed the peculiar interaction Luke and I just had.

¨So who's got the board?¨ I ask, hoping to my feet.

¨I do,¨ Michael says ¨I'll go get it from my car.¨

Within a ten minutes we are all assembles in a circular shape around the creepy looking board and the wooden manover thing that we place our fingers on. The parlor door is closed, and the large window is cracked open a bit letting in a cool breeze.

¨How does this work?¨ I ask after a minute of silence and no movement of the wooden piece.

Every one glances at one another, ¨I think we just ask questions...¨ Luke answers unsure.

Luya laughs, ¨This is a joke, it isn't scary at all.¨ Suddenly our fingers shuffles across on top of the game piece and our finger follow the piece while it shakes in random motions across the scattered letters, not spelling anything specific.

I gasp a little and we all exchange cautious looks, ¨Did you do that?¨ I ask Luke curiously.

¨No, fuck this,¨ He groans and attempts to stand. I pull his arm back down.

¨It's just a game right Luke,¨ I tease ¨C'mon princess.¨

He rolls his eyes and returns his hands back to the game. ¨Who are you?¨ I question with a smile plastered across my face. This is fun.

A Friend

The game spells out slowly. Luya and Michael freak out and I laugh, this has got to be a planned joke. ¨What do you want?¨ Luke asks next.

To play

Everyone nervously laughs. ¨Are you doing this Mikey?" Luke laughs.

¨Fuck no, I don't joke with the spirits.¨ He replies.

In the dark I catch a glimpse of Luya's face, it appears to be holding back an emotion. I raise my eyebrows and all she does is wink. I know at this moment we have the power to make the boys piss their pants. This is girl power.

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