week three

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It is everywhere. It is suffocating. It is poisoning.

It feels like shadows are cast on all the walls of skeletons.

I can't breathe or think or run or crawl.

My lungs are foggy, numb, disintegrating yet my ears are intact.

Was that a scream or just me losing my mind?

The walls are crumbling down, but the walls still stand?

How do I escape this disaster?

My breath quickens and suddenly I'm running. The halls are vacant but I see an exit! I reach it and swing the creaky doors open only to find myself in the same endless hallway. The roof begins to crumble from above. I look helplessly at a huge piece of building inevitably descending over me. My heart races as I prepare this deserved death and scream.

My eyes open and I snap up into a sitting position. Cold sweat drips down my forehead while my heart beats a million miles a minute. I look around at the room, confused for a second as to where I am. I am home. I let my breaths and heart even out to a normal pace. The room is just awakening too from the early sunrise instead of me from a nightmare. It felt so real...

I walk to the window and peek through the slips in the curtains. The rays of sun beat down on the fields my room overlooks. I see the patterns of old farming techniques. Shyla doesn't use the plantation for agriculture though so most of it has grown over.

The nightmare replays as I sit in bed and read. The nightmare replays while I shower. The nightmare replays as I put my washed clothes away.

Push it away Izzy.

The steps of the stairs creak as I walk down them and enter the kitchen. The rooster clock above the breakfast table says 5:30 am. I hate how my body is wired to wake up so early. After a glass of orange juice, I decide it'd be a good idea to walk around the property and get a feel for it if I plan on being any help in the making of the Bread & Breakfast. I pull my blonde hair into a messy bun and stay in my pajama pants and big tshirt.

There are so many paths scattered around the house I take the one that looks to actually be leading somewhere other than empty fields.

After a five minute walk I find myself in an array of strange looking structures. The first one I enter ends up being a horse stable, badly wreaking of manure. The sun rays spill through the wood panels and expose floating pieces of grass and hay. Three horses unsaddled trot around in their little cages. I've never been so close to a horse and its actually quite scary so I keep my distance.

I walk back outside and find a greenhouse not to far. Surprisingly the large building is scattered with beautiful flowers and bright colored vegetables. I run my fingers over the petals of large sunflowers and slightly smile, these are my favorite flowers and I've never seen such large blossoms. ¨Pretty, right?¨ I jump to the sound of the close voice behind.

I roll my eyes at the voice and turn around and see Luke. He's covered in dirt. My eyes scan him up and down surprised to see him in anything other than skinny jeans. I laugh hysterically when I notice how long and lean his legs are, they look different bare.

¨You avoid me and don't talk to me at all for two weeks and the first thing you do is laugh at me? Rude.¨ He whines while attempting to wipe off brown dirt from his forehead only making more of a mess; which in turn makes me laugh more.

¨Oops,¨ I smile sarcastically and begin to walk towards the exit. I don't know why but he makes me uncomfortable. His friendliness and goofy aura is foreign to me. Foreign things freak me out.

But as expected he follows after me, I pace down the trail, leading who knows where with the tall boy tracing behind. He soon catches up due to my short legged strides.

¨Why do you avoid me?¨ He asks, sounding not hurt just curious.

¨I'm not.¨ I mumble quickening my pace because I definitely am avoiding him.

¨Yes you are, I see you all the time and all you do is go the other way.¨

¨Why do you care whether or not I avoid you?¨

¨Don't make this about me, I asked you why YOU are avoiding me.¨ I stop and face him opening my mouth to begin speaking; but looking him in the eyes for the first time in two weeks I find my words being pulled from my mind as I become lost in his face.

¨I... ummm,¨ I shake my head.

¨Yes?¨ He says still looking directly into my eyes.

¨I just told you I'm not avoiding you.¨ I say and then walk again.

¨So if you aren't avoiding me then you won't mind if I walk with you.¨ I don't want to prove him right so I just nod and continue walking. I'm stubborn like that.

We don't talk awhile but he finally speaks up.

¨Do you know where we are going?¨ Luke asks smirking a little.

¨Yes...¨ I lie.

¨Okay just making sure, don't want to have to save you again.¨ He laughs referring to my car breaking down.

¨I don't need saving from you now, and never will.¨ I say harshly.

¨Oh I beg to differ.¨ He says. I'm sure he's just kidding but for some reason this deeply offends me.

¨Screw you Luke,¨ I say and turn around going back towards the house. I just want to be alone.

¨C'mon Izzy,¨ he says following again ¨lighten up. I was just joking.¨

¨Well unlike the many girls who I am sure do find you charmingly funny, I am not one of them.¨

After saying this, I quickly walk away and I don't look back but I can tell he isn't following me this time. I don't know whether I really offended him (unlikely) or if he is just bored of the pointless banter (likely).

He isn't really an asshole, I just feel different around him. I actually speak my mind with him which is dangerous because I don't know what I'd end up saying if we had a real conversation. I just hope I don't see him much. I need to focus on my studies and not worry about what this guy wants.


THE PIC IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT THE PLANTATION HOUSE THINGY LOOKS LIke. ok ily vote and comment if you'd like :-)

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