week six part two

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The drive was long, but everything was far from our house. We didn't talk much, by choice. He let me pick the music so I guess that made it bearable. Nearly every song I picked though he would hum the melody or out right scream the lyrics. I laughed at his openness with me, but I think the only reason hes singing so loudly is to make me laugh.

At some point I begin to stare out the window at the passing houses and trees and streetlights and some deja vu hits me. I can't put my finger on it, but Luke's comfortable company is relaxing, something I had been lacking this past year.

I wish I could tell someone all the horrible things that have happened and I wish I could be completely honest. I feel that that would be soothing to my soul. It would somehow take so much weight off my shoulders. But if I tell someone then they might hate me just like my parents do.

I can't take any more people hating me.

The cars engine quiets down and Luke taps my shoulder pulling me out of my little world. ¨We're here,¨ he says stepping down from the car. I get out and scan the area. We're downtown, somewhere I haven't been often.

People of all types walk up and down the streets. Lights, laughter, and crowded street lines fill the scenery. I love cities, they're beautiful. I find peace in the craziness of it all. I follow Lukes tall figure for two blocks, attempting to keep up with his large strides; but every time I lose sight of him, he would somehow find me and drag me along again.

We could smell the pizza place from a block away and my stomach grumbled. This area wasn't as crowded so we slowed our pace down eventually reaching the restaurant, only being a few minutes late. Luya and her boyfriend Michael had already been at the booth table.

When Luya met her eyes with mine, glancing at Luke she smiles a bit too widely and and stood up. Luke reached the table first and she extended her hand, ¨I'm Luya, and this is my boyfriend Michael.¨ Luke shakes her hand and introduces himself, Michael says hi, covering his breadstick filled mouth with one hand making Luke laugh.

Michael is definitely not what I would've expected Luya's type to be; he has bright red dyed hair and a eyebrow piercing with similar clothing to Luke. They were both somewhat punk, making them stick out like a sore thumb in this southern city.

Halfway through the dinner it is evident to Luya and myself that we didn't have dates anymore. The two boys had seemed to clique and become best friends within a matter of 30 min. ¨I know every word to every song on eminem curtain call and I have no shame,¨ Michael smiles while drinking some type of pop.

Luke throws his head back laughing and I can't help but stare at the way his eyes close and his dimples deepen further into his cheek like they'll disappear each time he laughs. A foot hits into my shin making me jump and shout 'ouch!'

I look to Luya who is sitting across from me only finding a smug look spread across her face. I realize she caught me staring at Luke. I do a half smile and grow embarrassed. I hope he didn't notice. I don't want to be another one of those girls that is consumed with his looks. We're just friends.

¨So,¨ Luya interrupts the boys ¨what do you do Luke?¨

¨Hmmm not really anything. All I do is manual labor, FIFA, and play guitar.¨

Shit. He can't be a musician, no no nope can't handle it.

¨You play guitar?¨ I squeak nearly above a whisper in this loud pizza parlor, his head turns to answer me when Michael shouts.

¨FIFA!? THAT'S MY GAME. AND I PLAY GUITAR! YOU'RE MY SOULMATE.¨ Customers nearby throw nasty looks but the boys don't notice. Luya and I send apologetic looks before she realizes what Michael said. It's refreshing to be out with friends and have fun.

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