Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Kyle

This story is dedicated to my brother, Kyle. 

Kyle, you are one of the most amazing brothers on this planet and every planet after ours. Maybe one day I'll actually let you read one of my stories.

Please keep in mind that this whole story is unedited(:


~Rebel's POV~

The moans could be heard from miles away. It must've been a herd instead of the normal stragglers that left the city.

They had to be migrating or something, this many herds in such a short amount of time was no normal event.

I swung down from my tree, careful to stay hidden from the swarm of walkers that could discover me. My matted blond hair fell into my face and instead of pushing it back, I let it sway in the humid breeze.

I needed to find people. Not walkers, real people that weren't bitten or scratched. I needed a group considering it was my safest option at the moment.

I skipped over crunchy leaves and dry twigs, gingerly making my way to a more dense forest area on the outskirts of the city. 

A branch snapped behind me and instinctively I scaled the trees, looking for a climbing material. I found a dense, thick oak and clambered my way up the fat branches.

I held my breath as they passed, not daring to make a sound. Most of their skin was decaying or rotting while others didn't have any. Some of their teeth were exposed and it made me sick to my stomach to think about how these things used to have families and friends.

That all changed after the outbreak. Families and lovers were separated, if they were seen again, chances are they were turned.

I had lost both my brothers and my sister. We were quadruplets, but there was something unique in our features. 

We were all blonde, we all had blue eyes and we all had a need-to-win attitude. My sister and brothers had lost their virginity, but I hadn't.

 I thought I should wait until I was completely sure about what I was doing, plus the assholes in my town never raised up to my expectations.

I didn't ever want to be some guys one night stand, I wanted to mean something. Now that the outbreak had taken over I was guessing that I was going to die a virgin.

I mentally shrugged, fine with me. I crawled up to a fork in the branches to spend the night to make sure there were no more walkers I couldn't handle. 

I pulled out my ratty sweatshirt and pulled it over my head to stay warm. A sleeping bag would've done much better, but the Surplus store wasn't exactly the safest place to be.

I lifted the hood over my head and closed my eyes, keeping my ears open for any strange sounds. I never fell asleep and in the world we lived in now, being exhausted was something that was about as safe as walking through a mine-field.

 Good going, Reb, I thought to myself. I removed my sweatshirt and stuffed it into my handmade bag.

I was extremely proud of it considering I had done it in under an hour. It took me three rabbit skins to cover the whole pack. I had smoked the skins prior, ridding it of all the scents so the walkers wouldn't be attracted to it. 

I slung the pack over my back and hopped down from the tree being cautious not to attract anything. I made my way back to the main road that lead away from the city and towards a shabby looking ravine.

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