Chapter 17

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Guys. I don't want Dale to die. So he's not. Neither is Shane.

Also, I haven't watched the latest season (sorry about that), so the group isn't going to the prison. I will do what I want with this story.


~Rebel's POV~

"Peter!" I yelled, running down the dusty dirt road.

My footsteps were making small poofs of dust clouds around me, making it so that I couldn't see anything but what was in front of me. 

"Peter! Peter wait! Please!" 

I saw Peter's figure standing by the dark water pond. He was standing still and I could hear ragged breathing and his shoulders were moving up and down heavily.

I put my hand on his shoulder and all I felt was cold. I took the time to take in his appearance, and that's when I knew it wasn't Peter.

This thing was chilled and the clothes that consumed it's small figure were ruptured.  The thing let out a loud groan and turned towards me. 

I was shown with the face of a walker.

It tried to grab hold of my hand, but I withdrew it before it could protest. I did my best not to scream as I sprinted away from it. I flew back up the dirt road and didn't make a sound so I wouldn't attract any attention.

The bedraggled walker was wobbling after me and groaning loudly, trying to attract more of it's kind. My heart was racing and beads of sweat were falling down my face rapidly. My muscles were screaming to be put to rest and I was slowing down dramatically.

The light of the campfire was growing larger and larger and I knew that I was close to salvation. The groans of the walker were more audible in my ears and I pushed myself to run even faster.

Everyone was still smiling and laughing, heading towards the house in the process.

"No. No. Shit!" I whispered to myself.

They had done me the small favor of leaving my bow and arrows laying next to a large tree. I jumped over the chairs and snatched my weapon while running even faster. 

The last of the group were in the house and my heart was beating faster with nervousness. I skipped up the steps and slammed the door shut, making a loud bang resound throughout the house.

Lori was pacing back in forth and running hands through her mousy hair, muttering something about finding Carl because he wasn't in the house.

Daryl caught my eye and you could see the worry that seemed to be driving him mad. He held his head in his hands while sitting on the patent leather chair. 

I searched the room for Peter, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Guys. We need to leave. Now." I told them.

Daryl's head snapped up and you could see the worry evaporating. His eyes that were once clenched relaxed before hardening again.

"Why?" Hershel asked me quietly, like he was in most situations.

"There's walkers. Everywhere. There was one at the pond where I was looking for Peter and they're all coming. We need to get out of here as soon as possible, if that means leaving people behind then so be it."

Lori looked at me, disbelief written clear across her face. She wasn't going to be leaving without a fight.

"What? You must be kidding if you think I'm going to leave without my baby!" Lori cried. 

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