Chapter 25

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I know I'm skipping around a lot, but I think it makes sense, so.....if you have any questions PM me.


~Rebel's POV~


The gravel crunched under the tires and slowly the car came to a stop. The courtyard was as clear as ever and there was only three people on patrol. How careless.

I didn't want to admit it, but as soon as Daryl left, I became bitter. Not even Judith could bring a smile to my face. She reminded me too much of Daryl in the way everyone called her Little Ass-Kicker and I knew very well that Daryl called her that.

Rick pulled the car to a stop and I got out immediately, not wanting to be cooped up a second longer. Everyone on patrol gave me strange looks as I didn't stop on my way into the cell block.

I hardly noticed the new additions to the cell block as I passed them and Carl opened the gate for me. I didn't want to be involved with anything other than the wooden sticks I had collected and my sharp-tip dagger.

I was running dangerously low on arrows and I knew that if I didn't restock in the next few days, I would get caught in a situation where I needed them the most.

I stormed back outside the gate and sat on one of the empty tables near the new people. Hershel was tending to one of them while an older man and younger woman stared at me as if I was a threat to their group.

I started to shed the stumps off the sticks and smooth them out with the back side of the blade. The man eventually turned away, but the girl refused to drop her stare.

"What?" I spat at her.

"Are you okay?" Carol asked me quietly, moving to the table I was sitting on.

She had been making formula for Judith, but she had stopped when she saw my murderous looking state.

"I'm fine." I fibbed.

She grabbed my arm and I dropped my dagger. It clattered to the floor and the metallic sound echoed off the walls.

"What?" I spat again.

"You're not fine. What happened?" she asked me softly.

I grabbed my wooden sticks and the dagger that had fallen to the floor, stuffing it into it's sheath. I picked up my arrow carrier and moved back out towards the courtyard, needing fresh air.

Carol was insistent. It was like she knew what was wrong, she just wanted me to admit it out loud. But I wouldn't be admitting it out loud, I would be admitting it to myself as well.

Out in the courtyard, everything was quiet except the occasional pounding of a basketball coming from Axel who was catching up on his 'skills'. I began to shed the bark off the sticks and my thoughts overwhelmed me. 

I didn't know why I was hanging on to Daryl for this long. Sure we were 'together', but it's not like we were 'together'. That didn't make sense, but it seemed right in my mind.

Why did I care if Daryl left? Saxon was here and I actually had the chance to be with the man I loved.

Daryl is the man you love, a small voice in the back of my head chided me.

I ignored it and continued to make the arrows I needed. Later on I would find small bits of rocks that I could weave on to the top of the stick to finalize the arrow as a weapon of war.

"Hey," Axel said, sitting beside me.

"Hi." I managed to grit out.

"It's beautiful." he said.

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