Chapter 15

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~Rebel's POV~

Sunlight singed my eyelids, forcing me to turn my head away from the dazzling flare. I inhaled through my nose and was assaulted by the scent of khakis and old spice. I felt a tingling running through my right arm, signaling that lack of circulation was happening. 

My eyelashes fluttered open and I was met with the sight of Dale's dingy khakis and Hawaiian print shirt. 

"Morning, Trooper." Dale said cheerfully.

I grunted and removed my hand from his. I shook it up and down, trying to trigger the circulation again.

"How long was I out?" I asked him.

"A while. Nothing extremely interesting happened though." He lied. 

Why would Dale be lying to me? He had given me no reason not to trust him, up until now.

"You're lying to me." I said plainly.

Dale sighed. No way out of it now, huh? He straightened his fisherman hat and ran his fingers through his thick beard. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Glenn is going to tell everyone at breakfast. Can you wait that long?" Dale asked me hopefully.

My head swiveled, noting that it was only sunrise. The sky was a violent red and it singed the treetops, mixing the red and burgundy together, creating a swirling pattern of light and dark.

I nodded, "I guess." 

Dale seemed relieved at my answer, like he was glad that he didn't have to share his burden of a secret with me. Lori and Carol had already started to cook the powdered eggs so I wouldn't have to wait long for my answer.

I pushed myself up from the roof of the camper and jumped off the rungs of the ladder, walking over to the campfire.

"Rebel! Sit by me! Please?" Carl whined at me, outstretching the 'please'. 

I smiled and sat next to the small, dark-haired boy. He leaned his head on my arm and I felt his greasy hair rubbing against my skin.

Lori and Carol passed around plastic plates of powdered eggs and canteens of water. I glanced over at Glenn and saw him looking around nervously. He caught Dale's eyes and put on a mask of questioning. Dale nodded and Glenn cleared his throat awkwardly.

"There's walkers in the barn." Glenn blurted abruptly.

Silence overwhelmed us before the group broke out into an unsound mind, rapid-firing questions at Glenn.  I tuned them out as Daryl mouthed words at me. 

I cocked my head to the side, not cathcing the whole phrase.

"Did you know about this?" 

I shook my head across the fire at him. He looked at me doubtfully and huffed, consuming the rest of his breakfast. 

Shane started to yell at Dale and Glenn, making Glenn tense up. You could plainly see that he was not used to being reprimanded. He had never really been the center of attention for very long.

Shane started gaining leverage on Dale, you could see Shane's face becoming flustered with anger.

"Stop it!" I yelled, not caring if we attracted the attention of the house.

The group stopped arguing and yelling to look at me. I sighed and ran a hand through my flaxen hair, trying to solve the problem at hand.

"We should talk to Hershel, see why he has walkers in the barn." I suggested.

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