Chapter 20

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~Peter's POV~

"Peter. Come on, Peter. Say something. Anything!" 

This was the phrase that had been repeated to me constantly over the last few hours. My shoulders were repeatedly shaken and my whole body was numb.

The woman in front of me kept yelling at me and breaking down crying. I wanted to reach out and comfort her, but I couldn't. My muscles seemed to be frozen and I couldn't manage to move them.

At one point, a small boy came in and tried to get her to eat, but she refused the small tray of food he brought her. They looked related at some degree and if I could, I would've asked about it.

The woman, her name I did not know, started to bang on the wall, making several holes and it worried me how angry she got over something she couldn't control.

"Please. Talk to me." She whimpered from across the room. 

A tear fell down her cheek and she finally left the room. She left the door open and left the tray of food sitting near me in case I felt hungry later on.

I continued to sit on the bed and stare at the holes that had been made in the wall, thinking of who I might've been.

I knew my name was Peter, and I knew the small child's name was Frankie. I didn't, however, know the name of the woman that had been yelling and crying. 

Seeing her distraught made something stir in my chest and all I wanted to do was hold her and tell her that I was okay and that everything was going to work out, but I couldn't.

My body refused to move and my muscles were screaming to relax and put them to rest, but my brain wouldn't let me function.  

At one point, my eyes started to droop and I felt like I should lay down, but I didn't remeber how. I wanted to call out for help, but again, I couldn't figure out how.

I knew I should just wait. Eventually the woman would come back and she would help me. Right? Or did she leave me here? 

The thought of that scared me. What if no one came back for me? What if I was left here? 

At that moment, she walked in. Her face was puffy and her eyes were swollen red.

"Why were you crying?" I asked, confused at what caused someone to harm such a sweet girl.

Her head whipped towards me and her eyes widened. A large smile spread across her face and she started to walk towards me.

"You talked!" she giggled, sending my heart fluttering.

"Yes. Why is that important?" I asked.

"I've been trying to get you to say something for three days, Peter! You don't know how relieved I am. What do you remember?" 

I thought about that and answered honestly, "Nothing."

Her face dropped the beautiful smile it once held and a frown marred her lips, making her complexion just the slightest bit darker.

"What do you mean nothing? Do you remember who I am?" she asked me.

I shook my head, "No."

Another tear fell down her cheek, "Do you remember what the world is like now, Peter?" 

What did she mean? Wasn't it the same as it had always been?

"Has it really changed at all?" I asked.

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