Chapter 4

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~Rebel's POV~

This was embarrassing.

Daryl was practically holding me in the middle of the road while I was crying.It felt good to cry though, whenever I did, it was never this much.

It felt like all the feelings I had bottled up inside were rushing out. It was kind of uncomfortable to let Daryl see this side of me.

The only person that had seen this side was Piper, and that was because we were attached at the hip ever since birth.

I sniffed my nose a few times and pulled back from Daryl's warm embrace. From what I've seen of him, he wasn't the touchy feely type. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice breaking on the last two words. 

"Just trying to help." he snapped before stalking back towards the pond.

Okay then, I thought.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts and I turned back to camp, trying to keep a lookout for any danger.  Danger now included anything. It could be a walker, it could be people, it could be a bear.

I scoffed. Yeah, a bear. I really need some water, don't I? I shuffled my way into camp and sat down on a folding chair next to Dale and Glenn.

 "You alright there, Trooper?" Dale asked. 

"Yeah," Glenn agreed, "why aren't you down by the pond?" 

I just shook my head, "It's nothing."

I tried to make it convincing by giving them a smile, but it came across as more of a grimace and I knew that I had to explain the long story to them.

"Come on, out with it." Dale prodded me gently on the shoulder, trying to get me to spill. 

I huffed. "Fine. We were down by the pond and Lori asked me about my past and I said that I was an Olympian in trai-"

"You were?" Glenn cut me off, earning a glare from both me and Dale. I nodded my head and continued.

"I was into gymnastics and I also did Archery because my best friend was into that and I wanted to spend time with her, that's how I got so good. Then, Amy brought up something and  I just... broke."

"What did she bring up? We can't help ya if we don't know the whole story." Dale said, egging me on.

"Do you know the Fantastic Four?" I asked, knowing what was coming.

Glenn perked up, "You mean the superheroes? I love those guys!" 

I rolled my eyes, "No. The set of quadruplets that are all athletes." 

"Oh! Them. Yeah." Glenn drooped and slumped down in his lawn chair.

"I'm part of them. I have one sister and two brothers. We were the closest family I could ever imagine, we did everything together. We got separated when the outbreak started. I haven't seen them since. And the worst part-" I choked on my words.

"The worst part is, the last time I saw them, I told them I hated them and I was better off without them. So they pulled over on the side of the road and told me to get out. They had the nerve to do that when there was a herd not a mile behind us! I almost died because of them, but I still love them and I miss them." Tears were welling in my eyes again, but I forced them to stay put. I had cried enough for one day.

"Course ya miss 'em. They're yer family. Ain't no one gonna beat 'em." The familiar voice could be heard from directly behind me.

I didn't know how much Daryl had heard, but obviously it was enough. The women had come back also, and sat around the fire, listening to my story. 

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