Chapter 12

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Dedicated to roselovejoytwd because I like her and she's awesome.


 ~Rebel's POV~

I shuffled my feet towards the campfire, taking a sharp interest in my surroundings. The pavement we were inhabiting was dry and beginning to split from the lack of rain, making the surface uneven, throwing several cars off balance. 

Rust was coating the remaining cars and the paint was peeling off several more from absence of use. Night had begun to fall, leaving the sky to swirl with a mixture of luminous and nebulous blues. You could see the slight twinkling of stars peeping through the dissipating clouds.

I strained my ears to hear the song of the nightingales, I had always thought that they had the most beautiful bird song. It was repetitive and it could get annoying, but it was amazing nonetheless. 

I couldn't decipher the sound of the bird, but I could hear something that was not a bird.

It sounded like the hooves of a horse slipping through the cracks in the pavement. I nudged Shane and he did the same for Rick and Glen.

I tapped my ears and pointed in the direction of the noise, raising my bow and loading an arrow. Glen caught Daryl's attention and Glen explained to Daryl what was happening. Daryl took position beside me, standing closer than normal. 

My body stiffened but I ignored him. Ignore him, ignore heartbreak. It was really that simple, but it didn't seem that way. He glanced at me every so often and when we had been sitting by the campfire, his gaze remained on me, not wavering once.

The clipping sound came closer and I could hear the low snort of the horse. A dim silhouette approached us, and none to my surprise, there was a slim figure sitting on a lean horse. Slowly the silohouette became clearer and we could see the details.

On a dark brown horse rode a slender girl. Her hair was brown and tousled in every which way. It was being covered by a very western cowgirl hat, matching her boots to the silver tassles. She had emerald colored eyes that blended with her pale face.

"You walkers?" She called out. A thick country accent covered her voice, showing the relation to her western wear.

"Yeah." I called out, my voice coated in sarcasm. The girl must've taken this seriously because she raised a small handgun- unloaded may I add- towards my head in particular. She tried to pull the trigger, but as I said, it was unloaded.

"You might want to load the gun, Sweetheart." I smiled at her. I raised my bow in her direction, leaving the men to follow. 

The girl dropped her handgun and held her hands above her head, looking like a cartoon character with her extremely wide eyes. 

"Don't shoot!" She cried, fear showing clear in her face and voice. I almost laughed at her, I know we would shoot a walker on impulse, but never a human. 

I lowered my bow and the men followed suit, except for Daryl. I turned and looked at him straight in the eye. This had been the first full-on eye contact I had made with him since my decision. He swiveled his head to look at me and you could see the malice in his look.

"Wha'." He spat.

I huffed at him and raised my arm. I swung it back, smacking the metal of his crossbow. Pain shot through my hand but I held back the scream. He dropped the crossbow on the ground, making it fire on impact.

The arrow flung through the air, impaling the car that was next to the out land girl. She flinched and stepped to the side.

"Coulda' killed 'er. Dumb bitch." He mumbled, aiming the comment towards me. The words made me cringe, but I didn't feel the familiar burn of tears I usually felt with an insult. I rolled my eyes at him and stepped towards the girl.

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