Chapter 6

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~Rebel's POV~

"Are ye' insane?" he yelled.

"We are literally on the first floor, what is it, 20 feet?  Stop being such a baby. If you really want me to, I'll catch you."

I smiled at him sarcastically and surveyed the ground below us. There weren't any walkers as far as I could tell, but it was dark, so my eyes weren't much use.

I plopped on my bottom and swung my legs over so they were dangling near a filthy window.

I secured my bow and the sheath of arrows on my back and placed the palms of my hands on the roof, preparing myself to push off.

Before I could jump, the window shattered and a frigid hand grabbed my leg.

If you could call it hand. The skin was peeling away to the point that you could see the muscles moving. Blood flowed freely, staining my leg a nauseating inflamed color.

I was brutally yanked down and a harsh scream slipped through my lips.

The raw fingers raked down my exposed legs, although,  it was docile enough so as not to leave a scratch.

My vision was spotted with little red and black dots and I fought my subconscious to stay awake. I couldn't black out now. I needed to survive.

It was as if someone had read my thoughts, a warm hand gripped my forearm and lifted me briskly, yet gently.

The frigid hand released me unwillingly with a groan of hunger reverberating through my fragile body.

I was tugged back to my feet, both the bow and sheath of arrows falling to the ground in the process.

I let out a small squeal as a set of warm hands gripped my shoulders firmly.

I felt my hair being brushed out of my face and words were being spoken to me but they bounced off my ears and I couldn't decipher what they were.I tried to focus on the lips that were moving rapidly in front of me.

"Rebel! Ye' okay?" The words were being spewed at me and my head spun in confusion.

Was I okay? That was like shooting me and asking if it hurt. I was just attacked by a walker and this man had the nerve to ask me if I was okay?

"Peachy." I spat. I guess the words were a bit harsh but at a time like this, it was all I could think of.

"Yer' leg." Daryl said bluntly. Yeah, big whoop. I have a leg.

"What about it?" I asked bitterly.

"You're bleedin'." 

I looked down and sure enough, my leg was smeared with blood. I collapsed to the ground and pulled my leg up, balancing my foot on my thigh. Sure, there was blood. But it wasn't mine.

"It's not mine. The walker was bleeding. No scratches, no bite. I'm fine." I muttered just loud enough for him to here. 

 "Guess that plan's out. What now?" Daryl asked me.

I swiveled my head around to look for alternate options. I felt stupid when I saw the ladder that was behind us. It was hardly a yard away. 

"We could climb down the ladder." I suggested dumbly. 

He whipped around, like me, he didn't notice that ladder that was so near to us. He walked over and pushed down with his foot a bit.

The ladder let out a groan of protest under his weight but it seemed to hold steady.

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