Chapter 14

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~Rebel's POV~

"Wake up, Rebel." I heard a rough voice whisper into my ear that had previously been covered by the scratchy fabric of my sleeping bag.

"No." I muttered to the voice that tried disturb my peaceful sleeping. After yesterday, all I wanted to do was sleep.

I heard a deep chuckle and I finally put a face to the voice that had disordered myself and my very own thoughts many times over the last few days. I felt the sleeping bag being peeled off of my warm body, letting the cold air bite at my skin.

"No!" I groaned, "Five more minutes! Please!"

"Well. Only because you asked so nicely." Daryl said sarcastically.

Again, I felt the sleeping bag being peeled back, but this time I felt arms wrapping around my legs. Daryl gripped my ankles and started to drag me out of the tent. 

"Daryl! Let me go, dammit!" 

Daryl didn't listen to me as he started to drag me towards the campfire, drawing attention of almost everyone in the group. I heard most of them start to laugh at me and I just scowled. Daryl finally let go of me and my feet fell to the ground with a low 'thud'.

"Thanks for the help, guys." I spat sarcastically to everyone that was laughing. It was kind of hard not to laugh, even Daryl was mocking me. You could see the tears that were bordering Shane's eyes and Rick was bending over, holding his stomach.

I used my back and neck to KipUp and land on my feet, standing up in the process. Carl stared at my swift movements in amazement, his bright eyes widening. I flashed a mischievous smile at him and dusted my hands off on my sweatpants. 

Daryl was still laughing and so were a few of the others, but he was my main target. I narrowed my eyes and launched my legs up, soaring into the air. I gripped Daryl's shoulders and pushed him to the ground, landing on him in the procedure. I heard the wind being knocked out of him and I straddled his waist, forcing him to stay on the ground. 

"Pile on!" Carl yelled.

He ran over and jumped on me, forcing my head to land on Daryl's chest. Sophia was next as she jumped on top of Carl, making Daryl grunt underneath all of our weight. This time, it was me who started laughing.

The group joined in one by one and soon, we had attracted the attention of Maggie and Beth. They stared at us confusedly and the laughter must've been infectious because they started giggling with the rest of us.

"We get a day off today, so feel free to roam the grounds, but don't stray too far." Rick said, gasping for breath. Slowly, the group dispersed to separate activities, all except for Daryl, me and Carl. 

"Carl. Up." Daryl groaned. Carl guffawed but did as he was told. He ran after Rick and Shane, trying to be apart of the big dogs.

Carl hadn't been gone for more than 10 seconds when I felt a shift in weight. Daryl flipped us over so that he was on top and he was the one straddling the other. I huffed and tried to cross my arms, but Daryl was sitting on them.

"I win." He said and pushed himself off of me. He held out his hand for me and I took it, he pulled me up and stepped away awkwardly. 

"Thanks." I muttered, picking up my bow and sheath of arrows.

"What were ye' planni' to do?" he asked me, rubbing the back of his neck while slinging his crossbow over his shoulder.

"Make some more arrows. You?" 

"I could join ye'. If thas' okay." he muttered.

"Sure." I told him, smiling at the ground absentmindedly.

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