Chapter 14

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My hands were shaking while holding my tray.I decided to eat in the cafeteria instead of the bathroom,like I originally planned.

I looked around the room,looking for someplace to eat. My gaze landed on my old table, where Skylar, Laura and Erik were talking and laughing.It looked like they were having more fun without me.

I quickly turned away when I made eye contact with Skylar.

I was suddenly distracted by a voice yelling my name over and over again.

"Hailey!Come here,Hailey!Come over and sit with us!HAILEY!" Miles shouted from across the cafeteria,trying to catch my attention.

Oh god no. Not the popular table. Anyone could look at me and instantly know that I'm not a popular. I'm not fashionable or sporty or pretty or really anything that stands out to people.

Well,I had nowhere else to sit and you know what they say,YOLO.

I made my way over there, ignoring the glares of other populars along with some whispers.

I bumped into someone along the way to the table, followed by an aggressive "Watch it".

After what seemed like centuries, I was finally at the table. Miles smiled at me and patted a seat next to him.

"Hey, babe" he said.

"Hey" I replied, almost a whisper.

"Hiiii!" two girls across from me chorused, one bubbly and one sounding bored.

"Um, hi." I said back, awkwardly.

"We heard you guys were together and you guys are like totally cute together! Oh, by the way, I'm Jessica. Call me Jess." the one with green eyes said, fast and  bubbly.

"And I heard you and your friends got in a fight, so just know that we're here for you and we'll always be your friends" the other said, with straight black hair and brown eyes.

"By the way, my name's Madison." the second one added. I noticed she was wearing an American Horror Story shirt. Her lips were painted red and high cheekbones and a toned figure made her the picture of perfect. Not excluding the most flawless eyeliner I've ever seen.

The first one had eyes that were the brightest green eyes I've ever seen and curled hair. A flower crown was in her hair and her lips and cheeks were slightly toned with pink. She obviously idolized Lana Del Ray.

"Thank you." I said, sincerely. I'm not kidding. They seemed very sincere and I would love to have friends without drama.

I saw Miles push his food around. He probably wasn't used to not having all the focus on him.

"So, what'd you think of the chemistry test last period?" Miles asked, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"It was really easy. I heard a lot of people say that they couldn't get numbers 18 and 19 but we reviewed it four times in class. Guess they don't pay attention." I replied.

"Uh, yea, I know right." he replied,frowning and fidgeting.

Madison snorted a laugh and I saw Jess slap her arm quietly and give her a look.

"Hey, is that Five Finger Death Punch?" Madison asked,peeking over the table at my shirt.

"Yea. You know them?" I asked.

"Know them? I met Jeremy Spencer at his book signing for Death Punch'd!" she exclaimed, smiling.

"Oh my god! Lucky!" I said. I didn't think anyone even knew who Five Finger Death Punch was, let alone met the drummer!

"My brother got me tickets and he doesn't want them anymore. Wanna come?" she asked.

"Uh, yea, of course!" I said excitedly. I couldn't believe that I could have so much in common with someone.

"Cool." she said, smiling.


We all talked and talked and before I knew it, the bell rang and the school day was over.

Miles walked me to the bus while holding my hand.

"So, you like Jess and Mad?" he asked.

I smiled. "Yea."

"Good. They're really good friends. I think you'll really like them". He laughed. "They're so different but they manage to be best friends."

I laughed too. "Yea, I noticed."

We stopped in front of my bus before I went inside.He faced me and looked into my eyes, holding both of my hands.

"I just want you to know that I love you and I really care about you. Okay?" he said seriously.

"Okay. Maybe okay will be our always." I said, smirking at my TFIOS reference.

"I take it back." he said jokingly, rolling his eyes and smiling.

I laughed. He kissed my forehead and said goodbye.

I regret having any doubts about this relationship. Maybe this is a perfect match after all.

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