Chapter 16

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"Oh, um" Erik spit out the same time I said "That's my name".

"Oh, well would you look who it is." Laura said, striding up to me.

"Uh, hi?" I half said, half asked.

"So, I heard you and Miles are really happy together." she said, fake smiling.

"We are" I replied. What was she doing?

"I bet nothing can tear you apart, right?" she asked, still having a smile faker than Barbie.

"Laura, stop." Skylar said to her, looking down.

"What, I'm just talking to an old friend!" she exclaimed.

"You know what you're doing." Skylar said. Oh my god. Was Skylar... standing up to Laura?

"What did you say?" Laura snapped at her.

"I said, STOP." she said sternly again, looking up now, her glare hard and cold.

"F-fine." Laura stammered, shocked and walked away.

She stopped at the doorway without turning around.

"Erik, come." she snapped.

"Um, yea." he said, giving me an apologetic look before following her out of the store.

Skylar just stood there, frozen. I think she didn't know what to do. Both groups had an ex-best friend in it. I felt horrible and was really respecting her even more now that she stood up to someone. So, I took the high road.

"Hey, Skylar? Why don't you join us?" I asked her. I knew Madison and Jess wouldn't care.

"S-sure" she stuttered.

"This is Madison and-"

"I'm Jessica! But, you can call me Jess!" Jess said before I could finish. She was always quick to take people in and meet new friends.

Madison crossed her arms and tapped her foot, staring some place outside the store window.

"Can we go yet?" she asked, sounding annoyed.

"Yea, let's g-"

"Let's go!" Jess interrupted, taking Skylar's wrist and pulling her out of the store excitedly.

Madison rolled her eyes and walked out of the store with us, arms still crossed.

"What's wrong?" I whispered to her. Jess was blabbing away to Skylar ahead of us. Skylar just responded with a head nod or a short "yea".

"Nothing" she said, coldly. She kept staring straight ahead, not bothering to look at me.

"Something is definitely wrong" I said back to her.

Jess brought Skylar into Hollister, probably to buy her some new clothes, while Madison and I waited outside. She was still crossing her arms and staring off somewhere else, her jaw tightened.

"Mad, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" I asked her, sternly.

She finally looked at me with cold eyes and said something.

"You wanna know what's wrong? You invited someone to hang out with us and you didn't even ask us. And I don't even like her! That's what's wrong." she nearly yelled at me. It didn't seem like a good reason. There had to be something else that had triggered her to act this way.

Maybe she was jealous.

"What?! I am NOT jealous. I don't get jealous! It's you who's jealous of us, because we have friends and all you have is your stinkin' boyfriend who probably doesn't even like you, anyway!" she yelled at me, her face red with anger.

Oops. Did i say that out loud?

I was about to respond when she stormed away into the crowd of people. I tried to go after her, but she was too fast and I lost her.

Feeling defeated, I went back to Hollister. I didn't want them to come out and have us both missing with no explanation.

After waiting about ten more minutes, Laura and Skylar came out with one bag each.

"Where'd Madison go?" Jess asked.

Her smile disappeared and then added "Oh no, she's probably jealous". She put her hand over her face.

"Why's that so bad?" I asked.

"She gets really jealous and I think I know something you don't." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curiously.

"Just, nevermind. We're here at the mall to all hangout and be friends so, let's do that" she ignored me.

"Um, okay" I said to her.

I felt bad for Skylar. She had no idea what was going on or who these two people were and one stormed off, all because of her. Let's not forget the fact that she also had just lost two of her closest friends and gained back an old one.

We went to more stores as Skylar got more comfortable and then we all went home at about 5.

I lie in my bed that night and i couldn't help but wonder, what did Jess mean by "and i think I know something you don't?

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