Chapter 13

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I went to school the next day,excited to watch everybody as my social status rose to the top.

I was walking through the halls while listening to music in my headphones before first period when I saw Erik and Laura,but not Skylar.

Their conversation came to a halt when Laura saw me and tapped Erik to look also.

But I didn't care.

I was thinking about what they must have been talking about when an arm came around my shoulders and a familiar voice became muffled through my music.

"Oh,hey." I said,lowering the volume on my phone.

"What's up,baby girl?" Miles asked,making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Nothin." I replied,pushing the uncomfortableness beside.

"Hey,so I got these tickets to an Eminem concert next Saturday and no one to go with.Wanna join me?Its gonna be sick." he said excitedly.

I laughed internally. I'm wearing a Five Finger Death Punch t-shirt and you're asking me to go to a rap concert that's "gonna be sick"? I don't think so.

"Sorry,I have to uh,watch my brother because my parents are going out." I quickly made up.

"What?I thought your parents were divorced? And I didn't know you had a brother?" he questioned.

Dang it.

"I meant my dad and his girlfriend. I'm gonna be at my dads watching... the walking dead with her daughter and we're so close I call her my brother cuz she's kindof a tomboy and stuff and yea." I said,trying to explain my fake explanation.

"It's okay." he said,still smiling.

Weird.I thought he'd be upset since he said he has no one else to go with.

"Whatcha listening to?" he asked,trying to take a peek at my phone.

"Nothing." I said,not wanting him to see the real reason I don't wanna go to the concert.

"Fine" he said,smirking.

Then he suddenly kissed me. It's like he put me under a trance and all the stars in the universe aligned.

I still had my eyes closed after when I heard him laughing.I opened my eyes to see him waggling my phone at me.
I still had my headphones on but realized there was no music anymore.He unplugged it.

"Give it to me!" I said,trying to wrestle it out of his hands.

"Ah,let's see.You got some Crown the Empire..." he said,still smirking.

I kept jumping to get it,but he was too tall and he'd just hold it higher each time.

"Come on,Miles!"

"Some Our Last Night.A Day to Remember?Breaking Benjamin?"

I was getting tired of this.

He finally gave in and handed me my phone.

"Wow,thanks." I said sarcastically,trying to fix my hair from the jumping.

"I didn't know you listened to emo music." he said,frowning a little.

"It's not 'emo',it's just a different style.And I don't really like it that much." I lied,feeling self-conscious.

"Oh,good." he let out a sigh of relief.
"I was starting to think this was a mistake."


"Well,I have to go.Don't wanna be late.See ya,babe." he said,not leaving out a kiss on the forehead and a hug.

"Bye" I replied.

I saw that Erik and Laura were just leaving,but still looking at me.

But, who needs them when you have someone twice as good as both of them.

Too bad I knew that was a lie.

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