Knowing More

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Kokichi still had free time left until that lunch date. Sophia pinged Kokichi after a while.

"So what's up?" Kokichi asked to Sophia who seemed to have a complicated expression on her face.

"It seems there's a limit to what I can do. I cannot hack into other people's phones even if I have their phone numbers. I'm only limited to the phone that you hacked so unfortunately, I couldn't find anymore information about Natsumi on that front."

"Shouldn't AIs be able to hack?" Kokichi asked.

"If they are made to," Sophia said, "But that isn't my purpose. I can access the worldwide general network and even the criminal underbelly but I cannot hack towards any private information myself," Sophia said, shaking her head.

"An AI that cannot hack..." Kokichi shook his head, "Why is everything a lie?"

Shame... Kokichi had hoped that if Sophia was able to hack the information about Natsumi which might led to the Reserve Conspiracy, about them, which was his true goal in this school. But unfortunately, Hope's Peak won't make it easy... but back to the sub-mission!

"But I still have important information from the criminal underbelly network about the Kuzuryu Clan and general network, ones that involve our cases. I have already uploaded them into your truth bullets," Sophia said.

"Really now?" Kokichi asked, and he saw the notification system did say so, so he opened them up.

Truth Bullets

|Rumored Hits>
~Due to Natsumi being a rumoured reincarnation of the infamous uncle of the Kuzuryu gang and made to be heir, other rival gangs had ordered hits for her. But they never happened. Why?

|Fortune Telling>
~ In the event where Natsumi was scammed, it was a place where many fortune tellers attended for a certain event sponsored by rich people. However, among them was a fortune teller who scammed many people out of their money with the highest percentage rate of fortune telling. Yet it is unknown whether that's a rumour or not.

|Student Assault>
~During middle school, a girl by the name of Emiko Sato was attacked by Natsumi Kuzuryu in protecting her friend Mahiru Koizumi from harassment. They were suspended soon getting a black mark against their school records.

"That is what I have found so far. I will search anything that could prove itself to be a truth bullet, but I don't know all the facts," Sophia bit her lip.

"I've noticed... some of them don't seem to be related to the cases you pinged me, so why is there a truth bullet like 'Student Assault'? I don't see how it's related to those two cases," Kokichi said.

"They are not, but you forget that there are 5 cases. Anything could be a truth bullet in that case, but narrowing down, all truth bullets are always related to the motive that made Natsumi despair in the state she is in now... so..." Sophia said.

"OK, so you are saying that the student assault might be related to Natsumi's despair and motive so that's why it's relevant?" Kokichi said.

"But might. We won't know the full details until we get the cases," Sophia said.

"Don't worry, we will go back today and get all the 5 cases by then. That's when the real fun begins!" Kokichi exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" A voice neither belonging to Kokichi and Sophia asked.

Kokichi whipped his head to see it was Kirumi who was now walking towards him. Immediately, Sophia retreated into the phone and Kokichi immediately addressed Kirumi.

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