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"So this is where everyone else was..." a familiar voice was heard and everyone turned to see that it was Great Gozu, accompanied by Kaede, Shuichi and Miu.

"Who are you?" Kaito spoke out when everyone else was silent.

"I am your homeroom teacher, Great Gozu. Don't let me stop your picnic but it's just that I need a word with a few of you," Great Gozu said, scanning the place and then calling out, "Yonaga-san, I need to speak with you."

"Oh, OK," Angie said cheerily as she stood up and walked with him, where they walked a few feet away having a discussion. Shuichi, Kaede and Miu came and sat anywhere they liked. With interest, Kokichi saw Miu sitting quite close to Kiibo. He was already listing the ground rules in his mind now as soon as he saw the duo eyeing and assessing each other.

"... Is that degenerate male really our homeroom teacher?" Tenko Chabashira asked in distaste.

"Huh? What's wrong with being male?" Gonta asked.

"Just like a degenerate to not know why it's a bad thing..." Tenko said bitterly.

"Stop it," Kaede said to Tenko, "I think Great Gozu will be a great homeroom teacher for us. If you knew him better, you will see it for yourself."

"If Akamatsu-san says so..." Tenko said, backing down, "But Tenko thinks Akamatsu-san better be careful. After all, you don't know what degenerates are really up to..."

Kokichi rolled his eyes at this ultra feminism, but he wasn't surprised by it because after all that was so Tenko...

He really did only feel that familiarity with his classmates if he was used to Tenko's overprotectiveness of girls. Good to know.

"Akamatsu..." the smallest boy, Ryoma Hoshi, called out, "Now that we are all here, why are we here again?"

Kaede just smiled, "I just wanted for all of us to meet each other and get to know one another. After all, we are going to be classmates for the next three years, right? So I thought that a picnic would be a good way to set a tone."

"It's a great idea, Akamatsu!" Kaito agreed, "After all, it wouldn't do us any good if we acted like strangers to each other in the next three years. After all, these would be the last years we would be in school before university or where we we will go. We should savour the memories we can!"

"How ridiculous," Maki who was beside Kaito said, and Kokichi couldn't agree more. Seriously, this is the first time ever that he was in school, and proud of it because in his long life of crime he heard the restrictions, stress and exhaustion of school. Yeah... no thanks.

"Don't be like that," Kaito said, "Come on," he said to the rest of his classmates, "Why don't we introduce ourselves and get to know each other better since we are all here anyway?"

As soon as he said it, Angie suddenly came, calling out, "Yoohoo. Angie is done with Great Gozu. Now, he's calling Korekiyo out."

"Kukuku," Korekiyo laughed before he stood up, "It seems that I will be temporarily unavailable but I'm sure I'll be back soon."

"Nyeh, what did Great Gozu talk to you about?" Himiko Yumeno, the witch girl, asked and Angie laughed about it.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a bit about some problems that happened in Angie's island and after that," Angie said calmly.

"What problems?" Shuichi asked, curious but Angie tutted and waved her finger at Shuichi with a scary smile.

"It's rude to ask something like that, Shuichi, you know? Kami-sama says it's not nice to pry and if you continue to pry, you would be cursed for three generations to come."

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