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'So what should I do next?' Kokichi hummed to himself. It would be too boring to delay the inevitable, so it's better off to get cracking with Natsumi's case and put the yakuza behind him. He decided to check the app about the cases and the truth bullets he had.

He was missing about the two last cases and some of the truth bullets wouldn't make sense without them. There was also the fact that he didn't know how many truth bullets he needed. He had... 13 truth bullets, but he didn't know how many left he needed to find, even with the three cases he already had. Did he have enough, or was he missing something, he didn't know.

"Hey, Sophia-chan," Kokichi called out to Sophia who chimed from her phone, "Do you know how many truth bullets needed per case? It will totes help me narrow down what I hafta do and stop looking for a needle in a haystack~"

Sophia looked  thoughtful, before she shrugged, "I'm not sure. All cases in Trials always end up different. I heard that they could be one-shot by a bullet to break the entire case or you need about half a dozen to chink their armor. It all depends on how you use it though. One misfired bullet and you will find yourself using a lot more bullets to fix that misfire."

"So, it's like that, huh?" Kokichi hummed, "I had been meaning to ask you Sophia-chan, but what else should I expect for the Trials? Is there anything else other than cracking cases with truth bullets to expect out of Trials, like minigames?"

"Hmm... yes, there are certain minigames," Sophia said, "But they are always usually related to the Trial, some puzzles and other quick time reactions. In general, there is Logic Dive or Psyche Taxi that involves a certain vehicle as you drive through some kind of road and pick up answers to questions to get to the right path, Hangman Gambit to find scattered letters for a closed door that will only unlock with the right word and Rebuttal Showdown where you have to fight opponents with Truth Blades to get your point across. There are other minigames but they all depend on the Court's theme and are manned by Monokuman arcade machines for further information. That's all I know."

"Mmm, good, very good, Sophia-chan. You're on your way of being a very useful guide. Keep this up and you might be promoted to subordinate of my organization," Kokichi said.

"I am not your subordinate, Kokichi," Sophia said quickly, "I am your friend and partner for the upcoming Court."

"Nishishi, quite serious, aren't you, Sophia-chan?" Kokichi snickered. He was surrounded by too many serious people these days: Rantaro, Kirumi, Sophia... That's why he had to be even more fun to balance all that seriousness.

"Mmm,  with all that, we are going to the Court tonight. Might as well message Amami-chan and see if he's available~ It would be deplorable as a supreme leader not to give his subordinate a chance~"

"I don't think Rantaro is your subordinate either," Sophia pointed out.

"Thanks, Obvious-chan," Kokichi said, minimizing Sophia's screen before he PMed Rantaro.

PM between PantaKing and Mystique

PantaKing: Heyo, Onii-chan~ I'm gonna explore the Court tonight after dinner. Wanna come?

Mystique: What, so soon? If I don't go with you, you are just going by your own, aren't you?

PantaKing: Of course not ><. I have Sophia-chan~ XD

Mystique: (typing... typing...)

PantaKing: Hmm~ am I about to hear a long speech?

Mystique: I'm coming with you.

PantaKing: Was that so hard now? Yay, more firepower.

Mystique: Anything you need from me until then?

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