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Kokichi packed his suitcase at the back of the trunk of the taxi before getting into the front seat of the car, meeting the eyes of the driver of a person with a crazy red afro he knew all too well before that person started driving. The hotel was about half an hour to the school, so they will have plenty time discussing the agenda, and it was Kokichi who broke the silence.

"Rook," Kokichi said.

"King," Rook nodded, "So are you ready for your briefing? Since you once again become our James Bond?

"Doing Mission Impossible," Kokichi said, with a smirk, "Although I would prefer being a phantom thief. But it's because this operation needed moi, the biggest asshole and best strategist."

They chose Kokichi to be the inside man, for he was the right age, a brilliant actor, an asshole who can easily get on people's nerves and make them back off and finally comes up with the craziest plans for each of their executions.

He also had the makings of a leader that Hope's Peak were gunning for. Although DICE admits to no leader, Kokichi was the one it all boils down to in the serious situations they have.

"True that. Without you, I doubt we would be able to do even a quarter of the crazy stunts we do," Rook said, "And speaking of stunts..."

"Yeah, what am I up against, huh? Don't tell me all those months I was at the hotel, enduring all those boomers and perverts who wanted to know my everything and preventing spilling all hell to them that you guys are slacking off?"

"Course not, King," Rook said, ignoring Kokichi's nonsensical joke as he and the rest of DICE were too use to the BS spouted from that mouth of his ranging from crude to nonsense.

"Since you will be enrolling into Class 78-B, there are brief profiles of the class at the back car pocket. So far, there might be an interesting rival for our games in the near future, but no rivals for this game going. You ought to be careful, don't want any busybody snooping and getting in your face for it. They might try to stop it and that's no fun," Rook said.

"Tell me about it," King said, as he followed Rook's instructions and flipped through a folder that contained the bios of all his 'classmates', those poor souls. There Ultimates were of course listed in and so far he was interested in the Ultimate Detective, Ultimate Robot, Ultimate Maid and Ultimate Inventor. They might prove useful to his schemes.

"Anyway, as you know, Knight's been running theories about Hope's Peak you are going to infiltrate. Of course, we did our groundwork about it and I must say, our suspicions were correct about that school being more than shown on surface level," Rook said.

"Good," Kokichi said, "What's the use of playing spies if there's nothing worth spying at?"

"How about having to live a normal school life for the next three years and actually be grateful for the opportunity they gave you?" Rook asked Kokichi.

Then and there, they looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Good one, Rook," Kokichi said, wiping his eyes with an uncontrollable smile, "As if anyone is grateful to be forced against their own will to go to school after all the awesome things we do."

"Yeah, I wouldn't trade all the times we had for the world," Rook agreed.

"That's why we can't forgive Hope's Peak for being so nosy and planning to kidnap one of us for a leader just so they can continue their idiotic hope. I don't care if it's for the greater good of this world but why did one of us had to suffer rehabilitation for crimes we love to do? Mind your own business," Kokichi scoffed.

"Amen, brother," Rook said, "So it's time to know who they are truly messing with, and know better than to poke their nose where they don't belong."

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