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"Ah. Are you finally awake?" A boy... through Kokichi's hazy eyes made out, was already above his face. Clearer still, Kokichi made out that the boy was oddly metallic as if he were a robot.

Then, the information clicked and Kokichi realized that the boy was a robot.

Thus, Kokichi immediately jumped up and was in front of the robot, K1-B0's face.

"K1-B0, thanks for waking me up. I have always wanted to meet you!" Kokichi shouted, excited.

"Wha- how do you-" K1-B0 asked, backing away but Kokichi knew what was coming so he dismissed it easily.

"Well, of course from my super secret organization!" Kokichi proudly exclaimed, "We keep an eye on useful Ultimates like you. You would make a great weapon of mass destruction when me and my organization take over the world."

"Wait!" K1-B0 said, "I am not a weapon of mass destruction. Please do not compare me to those robots of science fiction!"

"Aww man, but I still want to be friends with a robot! And I always wanted to touch one! Please, please let me!" Kokichi cried out, wanting this experience because he genuinely was curious about the robot. K1-B0 was now backing away even more when Kokichi advanced, until it was a game of tag.

"Please stop! Don't come any closer!" K1-B0 shouted.

"Wait up!" Kokichi cried back, and as he chased the robot, a strong sense of deja-vu closed in on him, as if he experienced it before, like he was familiar with-

The robot was really weird, among the rest of them. As robots have trapped them, this robot was on the other side of the spectrum with them, lamenting his fate with the rest of them.

But that cannot fully be trusted as a robot was infinitely different from human, no matter how much said robot always told him otherwise. As they banter, argued and sassed. The robot was made to be human, but the fact it wasn't should always be reminded, because robots... can easily be tampered with. Like...

"But if there's a small chance that we can stop the *bzt* game, then we should take it. ... Yes, that's what my inner voice is telling me."

Inner voice... isn't it...?

"Are you still talking about your inner voice? We are already sick of all that Kami-sama stuff," Kokichi said.

"As I have mentioned before, this has nothing to do with *bzzt*influence. Whenever I'm lost, my inner voice tells me what to do. I have always obeyed that voice and I will continue to do so."

Inner voice. People who possessed such are deemed hearing voices, in other words schizo and definitely crazy.

A crazy robot in the game... the robot truly was weird. He always felt suspicious of the robot for that reason alone, that the robot might be... in this game... might be-

In another time, another place, another world.

"-OK? Are you OK?" Someone asked right in front of him, and Kokichi realized it was the robot, now clutching Kokichi's shoulders with his cold metallic hands.

Kokichi removed those hands away from himself, as he gave a bright wattage smile to K1-B0 although he was once again rubbing the headache to come. That memory was really sudden and unexpected, replacing the innocent wonder he had for the robot into dreaded suspicion.

But why? It was not like he was in a life threatening situation to feel that way. Weirder, he felt closer to the robot anyway even though he only just first met him, preconceptions and familiarity already washing through.

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