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Do you know in video games, it's like you can finish a whole dungeon in one day? Does this Court remind you of a dungeon, and the idea of a character speed running it easy as pie?

So, it would be a good assumption when Kokichi said let's go, that meant he would be finishing up the fourth and five doors right about now?

Yeah... well, prepare to be disappointed. They are prepared to go home.

Why, you may ask?

Firstly, fighting that Shadow took a toll on them, lowering their HP and SP greatly.

Secondly, they have limited items to replenish any HP and SP at all, so moving forward to complete the fourth and fifth door would be suicidal.

Thirdly, they were just overall tired. It's surprising how in video games, it takes an hour or so to complete dungeons like this type but truthfully, they took a few hours and it takes a toll on them. And only for just one door on one floor. But hey, that's life. That's reality for you. Plus games are basically accelerated timelines where after an hour of gaming, it's day to night in the game itself.

And it was mostly their fault. They had forgotten to prepare themselves in hindsight.

"Hmm... but this is a good time to stop. And now I know that you really do have what it takes to stand against the Court. Good job, King," Sophia said.

"Wait, the way you said it, it sounds like you were testing me," Kokichi said, now looking at Sophia for any lie she might give against his statement.

"Yep, I was just testing you," Sophia said, which shocked Kokichi, because, wow... such straightforward honesty.

So he asked, in that same straightforwardness "Why?"

"I wasn't confident about your abilities to battle the Shadows nor your infiltration with Courts. And even though you are the Rebel, I wasn't sure of such abilities that it worried me. So I wanted to observe you for a while as I taught you. If you weren't able to stand it, I would have tried to convince you to give up, which is why I didn't tell you about medicines or food for HP and SP. Because if I didn't think you can then I rather we not go on any further than this. I'm sorry, but I did what I thought necessary."

Wow... Sophia really was honest, if nothing else. Was it because she was an AI? Hmm... how would Kokichi know?

Was he annoyed that he had to be tested? Yep, usually he was the one doing it. Will he throw a fuss about it? Well, he wanted to be dramatic but he also didn't want to catch any Shadows' attentions. Because currently it's better to save energy to kick ass when there's an emergency.

So all Kokichi did was pout at Sophia and said, "Man, did you really have to do it? If you have reminded me about the medicine and food, we could have gone much farther instead of simply testing me and leaving now. How anticlimactic."

"I had to know," Sophia insisted, "I just wanted to make sure that you could handle your own so that you won't get hurt. I don't want people to get hurt over battles they can't do."

"Well, I won't," Kokichi said cheekily, "You really shouldn't underestimate someone like me, but urgh... fine, let's go home before- Huh?"

Kokichi was about to call it a day and use the teleport function to get the nearest safe point near the exit, because it's only once you get out of the Court, you can travel back to your own world. But something stopped him as Kokichi touched upon his mask, frowning.

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