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~16/4 (Wed)
After recovering from the shock that Kiibo didn't resent me for my stunt which is not a crime as far as I'm concerned, actually thanked me for letting the slut take him because he apparently had a good time and hoped that we can still hang out with each other (all classic signs of Stockholm Syndrome but I could be exaggerating. Nah, that's a lie~) last night, I woke up ready to start my day and to check on a few things when a surprise awaited me beyond the door...

"Toujou-chan! What a surprise to see you," Kokichi exclaimed as he had swung the door open only to be met with Kirumi outside preparing to knock on the door. She let her hand fall to her side and looked at Kokichi.

"Ouma-kun, exactly who I wanted to see. There are a few things I would like to discuss with you," Kirumi said smoothly.

"Discuss? What's there to discuss?" Kokichi asked, as he still stood in the doorway, wondering why Kirumi was here.

"Well, please come with me. I want to talk to you one on one and I don't feel like disturbing Kiibo-kun if he's still in there," Kirumi said.

"Ah no, Kii-boy already left. It's just me here," Kokichi said.

"I see, then will you let me in? I think it's easier if we talk inside," Kirumi said.

"Well, you say that," Kokichi said, letting his words linger as he narrowed his eyes at Kirumi, "Wanting me to be alone with me, huh? If I didn't know any better, this sounds like an assassination plot against my life. I knew one of my rival organizations would put a target on my back by now but I had no idea they would easily hire you. Wahh, how could you Mom?!"

Kirumi looked upward to the ceiling, sighed as if welling up patience from within and finally said, "Please stop calling me Mom. And I can assure you that I would not accept assassination work of all things. I still have my work ethic as a maid to consider. I also know you are just trying to fool around with me, but there is a time and place, Ouma-kun."

"But come on... why do I have to?" Kokichi asked, not wanting to back down from that cool headed non-reaction, "And I'm also hungry. I just woken up after all, rearing for a good breakfast."

"Do not worry, I brought you ample food," Kirumi said, showing a box that she now held up in front of him that he didn't notice before, "I have some cakes to satisfy your hunger. I feel it's better we discuss in private, that's all."

Kokichi raised his eyebrows in surprise at this statement. What could be so important, unless... it was that?

Spend time with Kirumi?

> I can't waste this opportunity.
> What if this is some plot against me?

"Sure, come in to my lair," Kokichi said easily, letting Kirumi inside. He was not paranoid to refuse Kirumi's request when whatever she wanted to him won't be harmful to himself. Even if he was wary of his peers due to his constant distrustful nature that he never shows outwardly, Kokichi could always take risks, and this one, to the naked eye, would be quite a low one.

"Thank you, Ouma-kun," Kirumi said politely as they sat themselves opposite to each other with the table behind them where Kirumi placed the box of cakes on.

"So what is it that you want such privacy for, Toujou-chan?" Kokichi asked, and as if in answer, Kirumi whipped out a notebook as she explained herself.

"These past few days, I have been taking notes of my fellow classmates, of their preferences and other things, to help me serve them better. As the Ultimate Maid and a fellow classmate, it is my duty to serve you all in the best way I can. So I have to obtain such information to achieve it."

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