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A/N: From the chapter tittle, it's very obvious what this chapter will be so I can give this fair warning. I suck at game mechs, more focused on the story ><. The Court tutorial won't be any much different from P5 Palaces, but the Persona moves... hmm... well, you'll see. After all, I'm not making a game, I'm making a story, so hell to it!

"Akari..." Sophia muttered, as Kokichi went back to Hope's Peak.

"What's wrong, Sophia-chan?" Kokichi asked. Because Sophia seemed to be downcast with a questioning look on her face.

"It's just... I feel sorry for Akari. Just because of a misunderstanding, her friendship with Natsumi was broken."

"That was the choice Hatsura-chan made, Sophia-chan. So you shouldn't feel sorry," Kokichi reassured.

"But the misunderstanding could be cleared up so easily if Akari just admitted to everything. Akari didn't really do anything wrong..."

"Of course Hatsura-chan did wrong!" Kokichi protested, "After all, she's a precious subordinate of my evil organization and was doing evil things against Natsumi at the behest of my organization. So don't you go say she didn't do anything wrong. It's a total insult to my organization."

Sophia was speechless for a while before she asked, "... Is that a lie?"

"Is it?" Kokichi asked, "Point is that there's really no misunderstanding, you see? About the stalking, about the organization keeping an eye on her."

"But not everything else," Sophia protested, "About their friendship being a lie, or Akari really attacked Natsumi. Akari didn't have to take the whole blame. And even for Sato, who she didn't owe anything to."

"True, true. She didn't owe anything to Sato-chan. But she did it anyway. Because if there's one thing in my organization we abhor, it's the stealing of lives. Did you think my subordinate would let it lay down the risk of Sato-chan's life being endangered. Nuh uh," Kokichi said, shaking his head.

"I thought that you were in an evil organization. So letting someone die should be no problem for you, is that right?" Sophia asked.

"Nah, where's the fun in that? If people started killing indiscriminately, then there would be so much less lives to rule over. In saving lives, we have more minions under our thumb. Nishishi," Kokichi laughed.

"... I don't understand," Sophia finally said.

"Of course you don't. That's the way my organization rolls. Confuse the ordinary mortals," Kokichi said.

"But still... it is difficult to comprehend. Akari let herself be hated by Natsumi in order to ensure Sato's safety even if it meant risking herself and destroying her friendship. I was made to be humanity's companion. So I have to befriend humanity. I cannot understand the idea of letting myself be hated for the sake of humanity," Sophia said.

"It's called a difficult decision, between a friendship and a life, Sophia-chan. Although I would definitely make the same choice as Hatsura-chan in a heartbeat. But for you, it's different, isn't it? That's why you don't understand," Kokichi said when Sophia nodded, "One day, you have to make these type of decisions where both don't have great endings. But you can choose the lesser evil that bring less harm which is better than nothing. That's all there is to it."

"I think I understand. But I still feel bad for Akari. I wish there was a way that Akari can befriend Natsumi again and they live happily with each other. Akari was quite sad when she talked about Natsumi..." Sophia muttered.

"Who knows? Maybe we can do something with Natsumi's Court. If we rid the despair, do you think Natsumi would give Akari a chance?" Kokichi asked, deciding to cheer Sophia's melancholy mood with a possibility.

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