Chapter 24

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*The next few months, Willy had been very careful with Krystal. He was slightly tired due to her continuous mood changes but that never stopped him from treating Krystal like a queen. Krystal knew that Willy wants her to rest as well but she still wanted to help around the factory and work on her music. At this point, the whole world knew Krystal was pregnant and married to Willy which they found slightly odd but they accepted the fact. As months went by, Willy couldn't help but feel bad for Krystal due to the fact that she couldn't sleep comfortably anymore due to her gradually growing stomach and her throwing up. One night, he woke up to Krystal throwing up in the toilet. He rushed to her side and held her hair back while rubbing her back. He helped her clean up and fall back asleep before falling asleep himself. One day however, Krystal was resting in their bedroom and Willy had promised to take 2 hours off to take care of Krystal and have lunch which he decided to do on his own. Krystal was about 8 months pregnant. Willy had just entered the room and is taking off his coat when Krystal feels a kick by the little baby.*

Krystal: *gasps* W-Willy...

Willy: Starshine, what's wrong? *worried*

Krystal: No need to be worried. I just felt the baby kick, cocoa bean!

Willy: R-really?! *rushes to Krystal*

*Willy sits down beside Krystal who was lying on the bed. Krystal takes his right hand and gets his glove off before placing his hand on her stomach under her sweater. At his touch, the baby kicked making Willy look at Krystal in shock. He gently rubs Krystal's stomach and is able to feel the baby move a little. He looks up at Krystal in awe. He knew she was struggling but she was staying strong. He places a long kiss on Krystal's lips while rubbing her stomach. About a month later however Krystal was in labor. She was brought to the hospital area in the factory and a doctor along with a nurse was asked to come which they did. Krystal was in so much pain that Willy was so worried. She was pushed into a room by the doctor and nurse while Willy was forced to wait outside. Thankfully, the whole Bucket family was there to help him stay calm but that didn't last long when he heard Krystal scream in pain.*

Willy: Krystal! I need to go to her!

Mr. Bucket: Mr. Wonka, you can't just walk in.

Willy: But she's in pain!

Mrs. Bucket: Childbirth is painful. That's normal.

*At that moment, they heard a scream from Krystal before hearing a baby's cry. Willy's eyes tear up when he hears the baby's cry knowing that its from his child that his wife just gave birth to. The doctor walks out to Willy.*

Doctor: Mr. Wonka, you can go in now.

Willy: T-thank you...

*Willy walks in to find an exhausted Krystal lying on the bed. Willy rushes to her side and moves some strands of hair out of her face before placing a kiss on her lips.*

Willy: Starshine... Beautiful starshine...

Krystal: Oh cocoa bean...

Willy: I wish I could have taken the pain away from you...

Krystal: It's ok love, it was worth it... *yawn*

Willy: Get some sleep Krystal. You've had a tiring day...

*Krystal gives a tired smile before falling asleep. Willy takes a seat in the chair beside the bed when the nurse comes with the baby. The nurse carefully places the baby in his arms and the baby smiles and snuggles. The nurse leaves the family while Willy gazes at the baby. Krystal opens her eyes and watches Willy's loving gaze.

Krystal: Its a girl...

Willy: Indeed, our little jellybean... Just as beautiful as her mom.

Krystal: Oh, Willy...

Willy: What did I do to deserve this?

Krystal: You were yourself.

*Willy stared at his wife in awe. Never would he had thought he would have a wife and a child that would love him. He promised himself that he would never hurt Krystal and his daughter. He wished to never leave their side but he does need to work. He would spend any spare time with the loves of his life but there were moments that would catch him off guard like when Krystal is breastfeeding his daughter. He would always get shocked and feel shy. Krystal would always tease him about it since Willy has seen her body countless times since they got married. Their daughter definitely picked up on both Krystal and Willy's talents, music and candy making. Years later, Ruby and Charlie did end up getting married and having a son. Their son ended up continuing the factory while Krystal and Willy's daughter ended up taking up music and working in the factory as well. Life was so much more better thanks to the love that Willy had found in Krystal and vice versa.*

The End

A Chocolatier's New Relationship (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005)Where stories live. Discover now