Chapter 19

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*The next few weeks consisted of hugs, cuddles and kisses between the new couple and of course, teasing from the Bucket family and Ruby. However, the Bucket family noticed that Willy and Krystal's body language towards each other have moved towards more of a married couple than just dating. And they did notice Willy's body reacting to Krystal's movements if you know what I mean. They thought its time to let Willy know that sooner or later they may do something that he should be prepared for.*

After Dinner...

Mr. Bucket: Willy, could we talk to you first before you head to bed?

Willy: Sure. Starshine, will you be ok with going to your room without me?

Krystal: Of course, cocoa bean. Good night love. *kisses Willy before leaving*

Willy: Gosh she's incredible... *blush*

Mrs. Bucket: That's what we want to talk to you.

Willy: W-what? 

Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka, we've noticed the way you both act towards each other and we've seen how your- uh....

Grandpa George: You're gonna end up having sex with that girl.

*Willy's breathing stopped momentarily as his eyes widen and jaw drops when intercourse was mentioned. Thankfully, Charlie wasn't here to hear this.*

Mr. Bucket: Dad, please... W-Willy, your body has been reacting to hers in a way that would lead to that. You need to be able to control yourself...

Mrs. Bucket: Sorry for asking this but, have you not... you know...

Willy: *Blushing madly* I-I... N-no... *looks away embarrassed*

Grandma Josephine: That explains it. I don't see why Krystal shouldn't be his first and his one and only.

Mr. Bucket: Well, sure but I'm afraid she might get pregnant though.

Grandpa George: There's condoms for a reason...

Mrs. Bucket: True but we don't know how Krystal would feel...

Grandpa Joe: She said she'll be okay if its Willy. She told us the other day...

Willy: Heh... *blush* Actually, I was thinking of p-proposing to her. And s-starting a f-family with her...

Mr. Bucket: Oh! She'll say yes for sure. But you need to let your father know her and your plan on proposing...

Willy: M-my dad? U-uh.... I-I'll have to t-talk to Krystal if she would want to go... G-good night... *leaves*

Mr. Bucket: Dad, you know he isn't that used to any of this. He's surprisingly innocent.

Mrs. Bucket: Thank goodness Krystal is so patient with him. No one could be that patient.

*Willy rushes to his bedroom. On the way, he couldn't stop thinking of what Grandpa George had said. Krystal would be his first if she agreed. Boy he was nervous. Would Krystal say yes to marrying him? Is It too soon? He stops in front of Krystal's room, hesitantly knocking on the door. Krystal opens the door to find Willy looking very nervous.*

Krystal: Love, what's wrong? *holds Willy's hands* Come in.

Willy: *walks in* I-I... 

Krystal: *closes door, hugs Willy, looks at him with his face in her hands* Cocoa bean, what happened?

Willy: W-well, we were all talking and the topic of you and my father came up. I want you to meet him but I'm afraid of how he'll react...

Krystal: Willy, technically I already met him when I was younger since my parents knew him and I've met him. I just didn't get to meet you. And I don't think you should be afraid of his reaction. Willy, he loves you. All he wants is that you'll be happy.

Willy: O-ok. Can we go tomorrow morning?

Krystal: Of course. *hugs Willy* Don't be afraid of talking to me when something is on your mind...

Willy: There is something else... K-Krystal, you do know I'm a virgin right?

Krystal: You are? *shocked* H-how come?

Willy: I locked myself in this factory. I couldn't trust anyone. Even before that, I was always spent my time working on my chocolate and candy. I didn't spend much time out...

Krystal: Well, you don't have to be embarrassed about this love. Its ok. That means I'm your first right?

Willy: Y-yeah... I wish I knew what to do for you. I have no experience in relationships. I can't even please you... *looks away*

Krystal: *makes him look at her gently* Cocoa bean, look at me. You don't have to be worried about that. In time, you'll learn. Love, when you're ready I'll be there to guide you. But you need to be ready.

Willy: R-really? I'll let you know but how?

Krystal: You'll figure that out when its time. Now, we should get to bed if we want to see your father.

Willy: You're right. Thank you starshine. *kisses Krystal*

*Their kiss is pure love. It was sensual and full of love. Willy's arms wrap around her waist while hers go around his shoulders. He's gentle and careful, not wanting to hurt her. They pull away and he gets ready for bed. He joins Krystal in her room because she asked him too. He lays on the bed with Krystal's head on his chest.*

Willy: How did I end up with someone like you?

Krystal: I should be questioning that love... *yawn* Wow, I'm tired...

Willy: Go to sleep love. We'll be having a long day tomorrow... *kisses her forehead*

Krystal: Wow, someone's more open on kisses.

Willy: *giggles* Only with you... Get some rest love. 

Krystal: Good night cocoa bean. *snuggles*

Willy: Good night starshine.

*Willy surprisingly slept incredibly well though he was nervous about seeing his dad the next day with the love of his life. Though his mind does drift off to what the family had talked to him about. It was true that he was incredibly lucky to have a woman who cares and is so patient with him. All he wants to do is be her everything, to please her and love her as she has been to him. He has truly never thought the day he would fall in love would ever come. He dreams about the day he had first met Krystal. The day he saw her in a lavender dress. When he saw her in a swimsuit, pressed against his bare chest. The way she's asleep in his arms and the way they kissed in the inventing room. And before they knew it, morning had come and neither of them wanted to get up.*

A Chocolatier's New Relationship (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005)Where stories live. Discover now