Chapter 8

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A few weeks pass where both Krystal and Willy kept becoming close but a make or break situation comes up when Willy slips up with his words in front of Krystal. Willy and Charlie are talking in a hallway when Krystal walks up to the corner. She hears her name and decides to hear what they say before she makes her presence known.

Charlie: Don't you like her?

Willy: She's an acquaintance. That's all.

Charlie: Mr. Wonka, Krystal thinks of you as her best friend. The two of you talk to each other every night.

Willy: I still have trust issues you know.

Charlie: You can trust her. If you talk like how you do to her and seem so comfortable around her, you trust her.

Willy: Maybe that's acting? *seems unsure* I don't know anymore...

Krystal: So I'm nothing to you huh?

Willy: *turns in shock* K-Krystal!

Krystal: I put my trust in you. I openly wanted to trust you. I told you my story of how I was hurt. Something no one knows about me. I gave up my time for you. I tried to help you and this is how you think of me? 

Willy: I-i didn't mean t-

Krystal: No! I thought you were different! That I could trust you. *tears up* I could have been working and doing stuff but I gave that up for you. I gave you advice and help thinking you were nice but I was wrong. You betrayed my trust. G-good bye Mr. Wonka. Charlie... take care of my sister and don't do what this man did to me. *glares at Willy with tears running down her face, leaves*

Willy: Krystal! P-please d-don't l-leave....

*Krystal stops every way that Willy could talk to her. Willy becomes sad again. Thank God Charlie is there to make sure the candy taste good. Charlie told Mrs. Wonka what happened and she visits Krystal to check on her. Willy decides that its time he tries to get her forgiveness so when he bumped into Krystal in town, he took the chance.*

Krystal: I-i'm so sorr-. Mr Wonka, its you...

Willy: K-krystal, I'm so sorry about what I said that day. I didn't mean any of it. *tears up* I-i'm so bad at everything. Its been so long since someone asked me that question that I replied like that. I was last asked that question when I was betrayed so it came out like that. I never wanted to hurt you. You are the most sweetest person I've ever met and I regret saying those things. Please forgive me...

Krystal: Mr. Wonka... I-i... *sigh* Why didn't you try stopping me?

Willy: I wanted to b-but I didn't have the guts to do so... *looks down* I've never been good at talking to people so I was scared that I would say the wrong thing... I couldn't bare to hurt you more...

Krystal: I-i want to forgive you b-but... What you said hurt me so much. I've been betrayed too much before that its hard for me. I-i need t-time... Excuse me... *leaves*

*Willy heads back to the factory dejected because he feels like he just lost his best friend forever. He's afraid that she will never forgive him ever. The Bucket family try to calm him down and cheer him up but it unfortunately doesn't work. Charlie lets Ruby know that he's becoming more stressed especially since something important is happening the next day. That night, Ruby catches her sister before heading to bed.*

Ruby: Sis, I need to tell you something...

Krystal: What's up baby sis? *sits down with a drink and a book to read*

Ruby: I-its about Mr. Wonka...

Krystal: *sigh* What about him?

Ruby: I don't know how to put this in order. Tomorrow, there is another tour that Charlie and Mr. Wonka are doing. He's been very worried about it including us because one of the people out of the four is very... Desperate. She seems like she wants Mr. Wonka in bed and that's all. The other day when you heard him talk, he actually wanted to ask you to join him since I'm joining Charlie. Charlie asked Mr. Wonka why he always wants you to join him in everything so he asked him. When asked, he panicked cause he never was asked that in that form. Ever since the day you left, he's been really stressed and has been on the verge of even passing out. Please help him...

Krystal: We talked earlier when I bumped into him. I asked him for time. But, what about this woman you're talking about?

Ruby: I think Charlie knows more. Hold on, I'll call him. *phone calls Charlie* 

Charlie: Ruby? What's wrong?

Ruby: Nothing really. I'm putting you on speaker because Krystal is here. You need to explain about that woman...

Charlie: Thank God I'm in my room. Hi Krys.

Krystal: Hey Charlie. What is this that I hear about this woman?

Charlie: As you know, there is four people that will be joining us on a tour tomorrow. One of the four is a woman named Ms. Avery. When she was chosen, she was interviewed and we watched it. Anyone could see the lust in her eyes when she talked about Mr. Wonka. After more research, we found out that she is a obsessed with having sex and she is someone who is quite how do I put it? Obsessed with inflicting pain to the partner. She will do everything to get him where she wants him. He's now really scared and he's been worrying about it that he wanted to tell you that day but couldn't. Krys, we're worried about him getting in trouble with her.

Krystal: Ok Charlie, here's what I want you and Ruby to do. Tomorrow, keep an eye on this woman and how she acts. Text me and keep me updated. If something that happens that I think is way to worrying, I'll come there myself. Besides, I kinda want to tell him I forgive him.

Ruby: Thank you big sis.

Krystal: Anytime little sis. Please keep an eye on that woman and W-willy...

*That whole night, Krystal couldn't sleep after hearing what Charlie and Ruby had said. She always cared about Willy even though he may have hurt her, she never stopped caring. She had always loved him just like he did to her but never noticed it properly. She wants him to be safe and loved. Meanwhile, Willy couldn't sleep at all. He was so sad that Krystal didn't accept his apology and he was stressed that a Ms. Avery will be coming tomorrow. After an hour, he fell asleep while thinking about the night he and Krystal had fell asleep looking at the stars.*

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