Chapter 17

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*A few weeks passed and nothing bad has happened. Unfortunately, it made Willy very worried because the last time he saw Krystal in person, she was very nervous. She had a bad feeling the night before as did he. Every time he had called her, he could hear the worry in her voice. All he could think of is her wellbeing. Though his thoughts when he's talking to her may wander elsewhere which would always make him blush. This evening though seemed like a normal day until Ruby comes running into the inventing room with tears running down her face.*

Charlie: Ruby! What happened? *runs to Ruby and hugs her, wipes tears*

Ruby: She needs help outside! *cries* Step father came ba-

*Willy didn't even finish listening to what Ruby had to say. Once he heard step father, he booked it straight outside knowing she and Ruby were on their way to spend time with him and Charlie. He finds Krystal inside the factory's gates getting dragged by her step father. Willy stops them and Krystal looks at Willy in shock but with tears in her eyes.*

Axel: Well, well, well... Look who we have here. The famous chocolatier, Willy Wonka.

Willy: And you must be her step father... *Glares*

Axel: Axel is the name. Now let us not disturb your work, come on Krystal.

Willy: *blocks Axel from getting Krystal* I know about you sir. Please leave her alone.

Axel: Don't get in between family you idiot. Give my daughter to me!

Krystal: I am not your daughter, I will never be your daughter!

Axel: Shut up you skank! *tries to punch Krystal*

*Willy stops Axel and all hell breaks loose. The two are fighting, surprisingly Willy is stronger than anyone expected. For a man who always stays in a factory and has never fought, he puts up an incredible fight. Willy ditches his coat and hat onto the snow and counters the punches thrown his way. Unfortunately he does get hit a lot since he has never fought like this before. His shirt that he decided to wear that day unfortunately took damage and he did have some cuts on his chest but he didn't care anymore since Krystal's safety mattered more. While all of this was going on, Krystal grabbed her phone that had fallen while struggling from Axel and called the police. She filled them in on what was going on. The police had thankfully showed up just in time before Axel could hurt Willy more. A police officer was talking to Krystal to let her know that she won't have to worry about Axel since he has criminal records and cause he would be put under maximum security since he had escaped from prison. Meanwhile, Willy was picking up his coat and hat while being in pain from the fighting. Krystal saw it and immediately ran up to him.*

Krystal: Willy! W-why did you go through so much for me? He could have killed you... *holds his face in her hands, tears running down her face*

Willy: Krystal, I told you this before. I will protect you no matter what. Nothing will change that. *wipes her tears*

Krystal: Look at what he did to you... C-come, lets get you cleaned up. *puts an arm around his waist sadly*

*Willy and Krystal enter the factory and bumped into Charlie and Ruby. Both teenagers gasps in shock when they see Willy hurt this badly physically. Ruby does thank Willy for taking care of Krystal. Both Willy and Krystal head to his room in silence. He opens the door and lets Krystal in since he honestly really wants to be taken care of by Krystal. Krystal pulls him to the kitchen island and seats him down. He watches Krystal move around his kitchen to grab the first aid kit. She sets it down and grabs his coat and hat then moves to his bedroom to place it there. When she comes back to him, she opens the first aid box then looks at Willy then back at the box. A blush comes onto her face when she meets his eyes. He looks at her confused as to why she is so embarrassed until she told him.*

Krystal: W-willy, I-I can't exactly check what the damage is with y-your...

Willy: What do you mean starshine? *takes off his gloves*

Krystal: Willy, from what I can see, you took the most beatings on your c-chest...

Willy: And? *looks down at chest, realizes* O-oh.... Heh... A-are you uncomfortable if I t-took off my shirt? 

Krystal: I mean, I can't do much without you doing so...

*Willy blushes hard as he starts unbuttoning his shirt. Krystal looks away, blushing madly. As he lets his shirt slide off his shoulder, Krystal looks at Willy and notice that this man is quite built. (Think of Duke Depp's Willy Wonka tiktok. The body in that may help.) Krystal then notices the bruises appearing on his chest and the cut on his stomach. Willy had been looking away from Krystal because he was shy but his head snapped back to look at Krystal when he felt her fingers touch his skin and trailing down his body to the bruises. He sees Krystal's eyes water at the sight of him hurt.*

Krystal: T-this is all my fault... *tears fall*

Willy: Krystal...

Krystal: This wouldn't have happened if I was careful. *first aids cuts* I shouldn't have become this close with anyone...

Willy: Starshine, don't say that. *stops her hand* Krystal, you deserve to have at least a friend. Someone who would take care of you.

Krystal: But it got you hurt. You shouldn't have fought for me, cocoa bean.

Willy: Krystal, I told you this before. I will always protect you no matter what. You don't know how much you mean to me... *stands up*

Krystal: W-what do you mean? *Looks at Willy*

Willy: *holds her hands* Krystal, I-i... *blush* When I met you, you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen. When you opened up to me, I had never thought someone as incredible as you would have gone through so much. As time went on, I started to fall in l-love with y-you. I never would have thought I would ever fall in love. You changed me starshine. You made me a better person. A person who would want to be someone's significant other. *looks away*

Krystal: Oh Willy...

*Silence overcame them as Krystal processed what the man in front of her just confessed. She could see that he was embarrassed and sad that she hasn't said anything. He turns to say something when Krystal abruptly cuts him off with a kiss. He freezes not knowing what to do but slowly melts into the kiss, learning as he goes. His hands find its way to her waist and he pulls her closer as her hands trails up his chest and around his shoulders. They pull away and look at each other with a blush on their face. Krystal notices that she's pressed against Willy's bare chest so she moves back.*

Krystal: I-I also fell in love with you but I never really showed it. That's why I couldn't stand to see you hurt... 

Willy: Krystal, I-I have never done this before but I wanted to ask if you would b-be my g-girlfriend?

Krystal: Of course cocoa bean. *smiles*

*Willy smiles widely and picks her up in a hug. Krystal's giggles from it was music to his ears. He places her down shyly because of the fact he remembers that he's not wearing a shirt. Krystal kisses his cheek before heading to her room, leaving a blushing Willy standing in his kitchen. Who would have known that today would be such an eventful day for everyone. Willy could sleep incredibly well that night as did Krystal. But one thing had been going on in their mind besides each other was when will they tell the Bucket family and Ruby?*

A Chocolatier's New Relationship (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005)Where stories live. Discover now