Chapter 1

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5 years have passed since Willy Wonka found his heir, Charlie Bucket. Though Willy now has a family staying at the factory with him, he can't help but feel a little lonely. Why? Well, the whole Bucket family has their other halves and now seeing the 16 year old Charlie have a certain friend as his crush, Willy has felt a little lonely but he still has the uncertainty about family and parents even after making amends with his father. Now Willy and Charlie are standing outside the factory's doors but in the gate, trying to figure out how to fix the puppet show when Charlie's friend/crush pass by.

Ruby: Charlie? Charlie!!!

Charlie: Huh? *turns around to see Ruby standing by the gates* Ruby!!!!

*Charlie runs up to Ruby with Willy watching him. Charlie opens the gate and lets Ruby in before giving her a hug. He pulls Ruby to Willy*

Charlie: Mr. Wonka, this is Ruby, my classmate and best friend I talked about. Ruby, this is Willy Wonka.

Ruby: Hello Mr. Wonka. *smiles*

Willy: H-hi Ruby. *awkwardly nods* Sorry, I'm still not used to this...

Ruby: It's fine. I actually came to tell you something Charlie.

Charlie: Before that, when did you return from Korea?

Ruby: Yesterday night. Speaking of which, my older sister is back too! And she's planning on staying.

Charlie: Really?! I missed her! Where is she now?

Ruby: In the town square. They're having a dance competition that she's joining with her group. Its called a random play dance challenge.

Charlie: Lets go watch then. You too Mr. Wonka! I want you to meet her. She's really sweet. *pulls Willy to the town square*

*Once they reach the town square, both Charlie and Ruby point at a woman standing in a group wearing a comfortable dance outfit.*

(This is her outfit)

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(This is her outfit)

*Willy's jaw drops when he sees that woman with emerald green eyes, skin as white as white chocolate, dark chocolaty brown hair and lips as red as a cherry. Anyone could mistake her for a goddess. He was in so much shock that he doesn't realize Charlie calling her.*

Charlie: Krystal!!!! *jumps to get her attention*

Krystal: Huh? *sees Charlie, walks to them* Hey kiddo! How are you Charlie?

Charlie: I'm good! *hugs Krystal* You're finally back!

Krystal: *hugs back* And I'm here to stay.

Charlie: This is Willy Wonka. Mr. Wonka, this is.... Mr. Wonka?

Willy: W-what? *dazed, blush*

Krystal: Hello Mr. Wonka. I've heard such great things about you. *Smiles*

Willy: G-good morning Starshine, the earth says hello...

*Charlie facepalms while Ruby stand there confused. Krystal is shocked but then recognized that it was song lyrics. Before Willy could feel extremely embarrassed, she decides to continue the lyrics.*

Krystal: *giggles* You twinkle above us, we twinkle below.... *Willy and Krystal stare at each other*

Ruby: H-huh? What did you say?

Krystal: *looks at Ruby* What Mr. Wonka said is a part of a song. I just continued the lyrics.

Charlie: What is going on here?

Krystal: How it goes is they'll play other group songs and we have to dance the correct choreography. The more song's dances you get correct, the more points you'll earn.

Teammate: Krys!! Competition's starting!

Krystal: Coming!! Wish me luck guys... *runs to her team*

Ruby: My sister is a singer. She's in a group called Blackpink. Her stage name is Jennie. She's incredible in singing and dancing. She has many other talents too.

*The competition starts and Krystal knows most of the songs. Her body moves fluidly. She's both sexy and cute while dancing powerfully. Charlie and Willy watch in shock. Charlie knew she could dance like that but this is the first time in years that he saw her dance in front of him. Willy however was shocked at how she moved. Its been a long time since he saw anyone dance like this. He has a few moves of his own but never shows it. He prefers doing more quirky moves. He's in so much shock that he doesn't realize the competition ended and Krystal walk up to them. Krystal clears her throat making Willy snap out of it, blushing a little.*

Willy: W-what?

Krystal: I asked if I danced ok...

Willy: Ok is an understatement..... A-anyway, we need t-to go! W-we have lots of things to d- *he was so flustered that he walked straight into the glass elevator*

Krystal: Oof... Are you ok? *helps him up, picks up his hat and dusts it of before placing it on his head making Willy blush*

Charlie: He does that a lot. But we really should go. See you soon Krystal! See you at school tomorrow Ruby. *pulls Willy into the elevator*

Krystal: Bye Charlie, Mr. Wonka. Tell the Bucket family I said hi!

*Willy and Charlie leave blushing. The two of them realize how much they like the sisters. Once they reach the factory however, Willy could not think straight that everyone noticed. He kept stumbling on his words and gets lost in his thoughts. Charlie knows why it is the case but no one else knows.*

Willy: I'll be in the inventing room. *leaves*

Mrs. Bucket: What happened to him? Why is he stumbling on his words and getting lost in thoughts again?

Charlie: We saw Ruby and Krystal today. Ever since he saw Krystal, he's been doing so.

Mr. Bucket: Ah... I see. He's doing what I used to do when I saw your mom. 

Charlie: Huh... I'm gonna check on him. *heads to the inventing room* Mr. Wonka?

Willy: Y-yes Charlie?

Charlie: Are you ok? You've been acting a little off today.

Willy: What do you mean?

Charlie: D-do you maybe like Krystal?

Willy: W-what? N-no! I-i...

Charlie: I think you do. You've been stuttering.

Willy: F-fine.  M-maybe... I don't know. I've never been in this situation, all that mattered to me was work so this is confusing. 

Charlie: Its ok. I'll help you with her. I know Ruby will too.

Willy: O-ok. Good night Charlie. *goes to his room*

*Charlie immediately calls Ruby and tells her. Ruby says that Krystal is starting to as well. Immediately, they get plans to get the two together. Willy however just reached his room. He takes off his red velvet jacket and flops onto his bed letting his hat fall off upon impact.*

Willy's POV

What is wrong with me? I just met her. Why am I being like this? I can't even talk to her properly. *sigh* How can I keep my mind off her? Gosh this is exhausting. Her eyes, her hair, those lips and her body. She's a goddess. What is Charlie gonna do to help? *slowly falls asleep thinking of Krystal*

What he doesn't know is Charlie and Ruby have plans he could never imagine. But fate had already planed for him to be with her. Meanwhile, no one knew that a few bumps would be ahead.

A Chocolatier's New Relationship (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005)Where stories live. Discover now