Chapter 20

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* As Krystal woke up, she couldn't help but stare at Willy who was sleeping soundly by her. He is really handsome especially to her. Though his hair was a little messy from sleeping, so was hers. She traces her finger down his jaw before placing a kiss on his cheek which makes him stir before opening his eyes.*

Willy: Good morning starshine...

Krystal: The earth says hello...

Willy: *giggles* Not what I was going for but it works. *kisses Krystal*

Krystal: Oh... Good morning cocoa bean.

Willy: *sigh* I would love to just stay like this but we need to go see my father... *nervous*

Krystal: You don't have to be so nervous. Everything will be fine.

Willy: Ok. I trust you. Lets get ready shall we?

*The pair start getting ready after Willy had left to his room. Willy was still anxious because he really wanted his father to like Krystal. He puts on his normal attire and heads back to Krystal's room. He knocks on the door then enters after Krystal allowed him to. His jaw drops when he sees Krystal standing there with her hair tied back and in her outfit.*

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Willy: Wow

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Willy: Wow...

Krystal: Do I look ok?

Willy: Krystal, ok is an understatement.

Krystal: *giggles* Thank you. Shall we?

Willy: We shall.

*The couple links arms and head to the elevator. Willy directs the elevator before putting his arm around Krystal's waist so that she doesn't lose her balance. Krystal places her hands on Willy's hands as support knowing that he's nervous. As the elevator lands in front of Willy's father's house, Krystal starts to feel slightly nervous. They hesitantly ring the bell. Willy's father opens the door*

Wilbur: Willy, welcome back son. *hugs Willy*

Willy: Hi dad. *hugs back*

Wilbur: Who is this young lady?

Willy: She's my girlfriend. We wanted her to meet you.

Wilbur: Hello there. *shakes Krystal's hand*

Krystal: Hello sir. *shakes his hand* My name is Krystal.

Wilbur: Come in both of you. Ms. Krystal, would you like a dental check up?

Krystal: *takes off coat* I don't see why not. *smiles*

Willy: Let me take your coat. 

Krystal: A-are you sure?

Willy: Yes. *takes her coat* Go with my dad.

*Wilbur directs Krystal. He's surprised that she is very respectful to him and his son. Since Willy has never been in a relationship, Wilbur thought his son would have dated someone who isn't nice but this was a pleasant surprise. That's when he noticed something.*

Wilbur: So from the looks of this, you don't have any problems with your teeth. You've done an amazing job with taking care of it.

Krystal: Thank you. I try my best...

Wilbur: I'm sorry to ask but, are you the Krystal who used to live in town? Who suddenly left with her mother?

Krystal: Yes, that's me. Its nice to see you again Mr. Wonka.

Wilbur: Little Krystal! You've grown into a beautiful young woman. My condolences on what happened in the past.

Krystal: Its ok. Thank you however. I've been able to keep going.

Wilbur: How is your sister? I heard you had to take care of her.

Krystal: Yup. She's great as well.

Wilbur: Have some tea. *hands her tea* What have you been doing for work?

Krystal: I'm a singer now. I've achieved that dream.

Wilbur: Well done, dear. How did you and my son meet? Since he isn't one to go out of his factory often.

*This was where Willy stepped in to explain things. Both Willy and Krystal tell the way they met but did leave out the fact that they've kissed. Wilbur looks at Krystal in slight shock. He never knew that Krystal would be this generous, kind and patient with his son. A smile appears on his face when he sees the way Krystal and Willy react to each other. It reminded him of himself and Willy's mother or Krystal's parents.*

Wilbur: Well, I'm glad that it is you my son is with. I trust you with him. Son, treat her right.

Willy: I will always take care of her. Its getting late... *looks outside*

Wilbur: Right, you should be heading home. I'll see you out.

*Krystal, Willy and Wilbur head to the door with Krystal in the front. Willy stops his dad before they exit, Krystal doesn't notice the two men stop.*

Willy: Dad, I-I need to tell you something...

Wilbur: What's wrong?

Willy: I-I want to propose to her... But what if she says no...

Wilbur: Son, you need to take that risk before you lose her. She's a nice person so I'm ok with it. And from what I can see, she'll say yes. Now go to her.

*Willy gives his father one last hug before running off to catch up to Krystal. They wave goodbye before taking off heading back to the factory. They walk around the chocolate room, hand in hand.*

Krystal: I told you that there was nothing to be worried about.

Willy: *hugs Krystal* And you were right. I'm glad that you're here by my side. I have a question, this may be too soon but I need to tell you. You've changed me Krystal to become better. You made me happy and made my life feel complete but there's something I have to do. *kneels, opens a box to show ring* W-will you marry me?

Krystal: *gasps* I-i... YES!!! *jumps into his arms, taking him to the ground with her*

*Willy puts the ring on her finger before kissing her passionately. They end up lying in the grass with their hands in each other's.*

Krystal: Willy, are you sure you want to get married this fast?

Willy: What do you mean?

Krystal: I mean, we just started dating not long ago...

Willy: Oh. Well starshine, I'm absolutely sure. I don't think I could wait any longer to tell you. Besides, I know that you're the only one for me.

Krystal: Aww... I love you so much. *snuggles to Willy*

Willy: And I love you too... *kisses Krystal*

A Chocolatier's New Relationship (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005)Where stories live. Discover now