Chapter 16

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*The next morning, Willy wakes up and gets ready as normal then heads downstairs to the Bucket's house for breakfast like he always does but notices that Krystal is not there. He figures that she probably woke up late so he has breakfast and talks to the Bucket family until Ruby and Charlie run in.*

Charlie: Mum, Krystal isn't feeling well...

Willy: What do you mean?

Ruby: She woke up with a fever.

Willy: Oh no... I'm gonna go check on her. *runs to Krystal's room* Krystal? *enters* Hey, you ok?

Krystal: *raspy voice* N-no... I have a fever and a sore throat. *sigh*

Willy: I knew it... *kneels by her bed so he's at eye level* When I brought you back here to sleep yesterday, I noticed but pushed the thought away thinking I was imagining it...

Krystal: Never second guess your gut feeling.

*Willy gives Krystal a hug before he had to leave to work. He checks on Krystal in between, bringing her lunch and tea. He leaves when she's asleep after taking her medications. By dinner, Krystal is feeling like herself again. The fever and sore throat is gone. She lets everyone know that she's ok and that they don't need to worry. Willy however can't stop thinking of her wellbeing. Unfortunately, it takes a toll on him. How? He makes a mistake in a recipe. He was making mini licorice ninjas but he may have made them actually come to life and were attacking him, Charlie and Ruby.*

Willy: Ruby! Get Krystal! *trying to shake off the ninjas climbing up his leg*

Ruby: What? Why?!

Charlie: She's the only one who could think of how to stop this! *running away from ninjas*

*Ruby races all the way to Krystal's room, barging straight in. Krystal jumps in surprise when she sees the door bursts open.*

Krystal: Ruby? What's wrong?

Ruby: Mr. Wonka *gasps* Charlie *gasps* ninjas *gasps* help....

Krystal: Calm down first... What happened?

Ruby: *Takes deep breaths* Mr. Wonka and Charlie were trying a new recipe but since Mr. Wonka couldn't stop worrying about your health, he wasn't concentrating on the recipe that he ended up making the licorice ninjas come to life. They need your help...

Krystal: Oh no.. *runs to the inventing room, opens door to find Willy cornered by mini licorice soldiers and Charlie is trying to save him* What in the world? *grabs broom and sweeps them away* What have you done Willy!

Willy: K-Krystal! I-I don't know!

Krystal: You should have at least been concentrating!

Willy: Well, I can't when I'm worried about you!

Krystal: Thanks for worrying but I told you that I'm okay!!! *pulls Willy away from the ninjas, glares slightly*

*They're able to catch the ninjas and keep them away. Krystal and Willy lean against shelves while Charlie and Ruby lean against the table. Out of nowhere, Krystal gets knocked over and Willy is tied to the shelf. Charlie and Ruby also get caught at the table. Turns out, they missed a few licorice ninjas. Those ninjas freed the caught ones and tied Krystal up, gagging her mouth as well. They pick her up and bring her out of the room while Willy, Charlie and Ruby try to break free and save Krystal. The oompa loompas surprisingly couldn't stop these ninjas. Ruby, Charlie and Willy struggled but freed themselves and searched for Krystal. They found some oompa loompas trying to get up. They asked them if they saw any ninjas carrying Krystal which the oompa loompas did see and had told Willy where they went. Willy sprints off in the direction the ninjas went while Ruby and Charlie help the oompa loompas. Willy makes it to the room in record time. He bursts into the room to find Krystal tied to a chair and gagged. He goes up to her quickly and unties the gag around her mouth.*

Krystal: Willy... Thank God...

Willy: Are you ok? I'm so sorry.

Krystal: Willy... I-It's o- watch out!!!

*Willy turns around to get pulled by the ninjas. Charlie and Ruby also get dragged into the room. Willy didn't know what to do until he spotted Krystal looking at something. He looked in that exact direction and saw a vacuum cleaner in the corner of the room. He pulled free and made his way to the vacuum as fast as he could, grabbing it and turning it on. He pointed it towards the ninjas, vacuuming them all up. He dropped the vacuum and untied Charlie before heading to Krystal. He rushes to untie Krystal while Charlie is untying Ruby.*

Willy: I never thought this would ever happen. I should have been concentrating. *unties Krystal*

Krystal: *jumps into Willy's arms* Its fine, Willy. Things happen. Its ok. Thank you though for saving me.

Willy: I'll always take care of you. No matter what. But this is all my fault that you almost got hurt. *looks down*

Krystal: Hey, it really doesn't matter Willy. *places hand on his cheeks, makes him look at her* Look at me, you cared about me even when I said I was ok. I know that you care about me Willy. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you...

Willy: I should have been more careful though...

Krystal: Its ok Willy, its ok. What matters is that you saved me.

Willy: How are you so forgiving? 

Krystal: Because everyone deserves to get another chance. Again Willy, thank you for saving me.

Willy: Thank you for forgiving me. *stands up, helps Krystal up* 

Krystal: Lets get out of here and get this licorice ninja problem settled...

*And that is what they did. They were so thankful that Krystal knows how to deal with such a bizarre situation. They clean up the mess and get ready for bed. Before sleeping however, Krystal knocks on Willy's room door.*

Willy: *opens door* Krystal? Come in. What's wrong?

Krystal: *walks in and hugs Willy* I-I have a bad feeling. Something is unsettling me.

Willy: *Rubs her back* Its ok Krys. No matter what, I'll be by your side. Don't worry too much.

*Willy stayed by Krystal's side until she fell asleep in her bed. He knew that something bad is going to happen. But the question is what and when? What they never saw coming was a certain person's past is gonna come to attack with no mercy really soon. Can Willy stand up against him?*

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