Chapter 5

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Charlie: Anyway, here's our next stop. Glass candy room. We make different types of glass candy here. Both see-through and not.

Willy: But be careful. This place may be pretty but its still dangerous since its glass. Its very sharp. Enjoy.

*Everyone walks around and admires the beautiful architecture the glass makes, however one person is very jealous of another person. Mrs. Beauregard had been thinking of a way she can get rid of Krystal or at least hurt her. She looks for an idea but nothing strikes her. Unfortunately, she happens to lose her footing and falls into a glass wall. Because of weight, she accidentally breaks it and falls. Since everyone was far away, no one was there to stop her from falling but they heard her scream. Everyone looks towards the scream and finds Mrs. Beauregard on the floor surrounded by glass shards. Krystal who was nearest to her ran to Mrs. Beauregard to help her up. Charlie runs following Krystal. As Krystal gave her hand to Mrs. Beauregard to grab and stand, Mrs. Beauregard's jealousy got the best of her.  She grabs a glass shard and acts like she's accepting Krystal's help, then she slaps Krystal's hand, making the glass shard slice her hand. Krystal hisses in pain as Charlie reaches and helps Mrs. Beauregard up. The trio walks to the rest of the group who are waiting. Willy notices Krystal's change in demeanor and the fact that her left hand is a fist.*

Willy: Krystal, what's in your hand?

Krystal: N-nothing... *looks down*

Willy: Krystal.... *slightly commanding* Show me your hand.

Krystal: F-fine... *looks away*

*Krystal opens her hand to show a long cut in the middle of her palm that's bleeding profusely. Willy's eyes widen in shock as everyone else gasps. He knows that it needs first aid so he decides its time for a break.*

Willy: Charlie, Ruby, please bring everyone to the waiting room and give them some drinks, the oompa loompas will help you. I'll take care of this cut meanwhile. Take a break everyone while I fix this. Krystal, come with me.

*Willy leads Krystal to a completely different room. It contains a long bench with cushions. The room is a pretty dark room because of the color which is black. It has a wall waterfall which its water is soda instead. He lets Krystal sit while he goes to take the first aid kit in a cupboard. Its pretty awkward since its just them in a pretty small room. He takes a seat next to Krystal as she turns to face him.*

Willy: Show me your hand. *takes out wet wipes* This is going to sting a little cause this has alcohol on it to disinfect. *gently takes hold of her hand and wipes it*

Krystal: A-ah! I-it hurts...

Willy: I'm sorry... for this hurting and for you getting hurt by Mrs. Beauregard.

Krystal: Its not your fault W-willy. I should have been more careful.

Willy: I should have kept an eye on her then this wouldn't happen. I'm gonna use this cream then wrap your hand. By the time we reach the next room, it should be healed.

Krystal: Thanks... *stretches shoulders*

Willy: Are you ok? *puts cream on her hand and wraps it.*

Krystal: Yeah, just stiff shoulders... *moves shoulders uncomfortably*

Willy: Turn so your back faces me. I'll give you a massage for your shoulders. 

*Krystal hesitantly turns so her back faces Willy. He looks at her and moves her hair out of the way. He hesitantly places his hands on her shoulders. He puts more pressure on it, giving her shoulders a massage. He moves closer to her so that its easier to massage but blushes when he hears quiet moans escape her mouth, sending shivers down his spine. It took him so much control so that he doesn't kiss her right there. He feels that all the knots in her shoulders were gone so he stops.*

Krystal: Wow, you're really good at massages.

Willy: R-really?

Krystal: *turns to face him* Definitely. How will I repay you?

Willy: You don't have to. Come, lets head to the others before they wonder where we went. *goes to her right and gives her his hand*

*The pair walk out of the room. Willy lets her link arms with him as they walk to the group in the waiting room. They talk and laugh all the way there. Krystal's laugh was music to his ears as was his to Krystal. Krystal was now noticing that she really had feelings for the chocolatier but she wanted to be his friend first. All eyes were on them as they walk in the room. As they walk to Charlie and Ruby, they hear Charlie say something making them curious*

Charlie: He may not be able to handle that. It would be to sexy.

Krystal: What do you mean?

Willy: What are you talking about?

Ruby: Oh, we just were talking about what if you see Krystal dance something more sexier.

Willy: O-oh... I-I think we should just h-head to the next room...

Charlie: Lets go everyone. Next stop, Doris!

*everyone walks into the elevator. Willy made the mistake of making Krystal stand in the corner since if he didn't do so, Krystal would be next to Mrs. Beauregard. Mrs. Beauregard found this as her chance so she moved her hand behind them and touched his ass. Willy jumped from the contact and looked at Mrs. Beauregard in shock. Krystal who was paying full attention to what happened whispered in Charlie's ear who was standing in front of her and Willy what happened. She gently tugged on Willy's arm so that they switch places as Charlie switched places with Mrs. Beauregard. Ruby helped keep an eye on Mrs. Beauregard for them. Willy sees that its Krystal's doing that he's far away as possible in that situation from Mrs. Beauregard. He gently moves a hand onto Krystal's right hand, giving it a squeeze. He bends slightly and whispers in her ear.*

Willy: Thank you Krys. You've definitely repaid me through this.

Krystal: Anytime Willy. Just let me know if she does something like this.

Charlie: Unless its you who does it. *smirks at Willy*

Willy: *blush* H-heh... I-i'm g-gonna ignore t-that. *elevator stops* O-oh Hey Doris! G-guys, this is Doris. She is one of the only oompa loompas that can talk. And she is incredible when it comes to clothes. These were made by her.

Doris: Hello everyone. Please stand in a line everyone.

Mrs. Beauregard: Why?

Doris: Well, the oompa loompas decided that we could do a ball for once and just try out some outfits cause why not?

A Chocolatier's New Relationship (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005)Where stories live. Discover now